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Cirencester Deer Park School

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A Day in the Life of... Year 7

Find out about life at Deer Park from a Year 7 pupil's perspective.

Year 7 has been great so far. I have made lots of new friends and I have tried some new and exciting subjects. I was nervous at first but in the first couple of days I fitted right in. I like all of my teachers and I am really happy I have chosen Deer Park School.

When I wake up in the morning I put on my neat uniform and go to school. My Tutor takes the register and explains what is for lunch. She also tells me and the rest of the class which clubs are on and about any big events such as the Talent Show.

Then we go to our lessons. Some of my favourite lessons are Art, Design, PE and Maths. If you do really well in your lesson your teacher might award you something called a Vivo. This is Deer Park’s reward system and you can either buy something in the Vivo shop online or you can donate your Vivos to selected charities.

After period two, there is break time. In the Atrium and Hall you can buy snacks or you can bring some of your own.

A Day in the Life of Year 7

Depending if you’re on a late lunch or an early lunch you could have one or two lessons before it. If you’re on late lunch you will have two lessons before and one after. If you have an early lunch you will have one lesson before and two after.

Then it’s the end of the day. You can go to the library after school to do your homework or you can attend an after school activity. Once I get home, I do my homework and pack my bag ready for the next day.