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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Athletics for ALL AGES

From Primary to Secondary Athletics

Primary Athletics

At Cirencester Deer Park School, we were once again delighted this summer to host firstly the District and then the Area Primary Athletics events. There were 498 primary school pupils on site for the Area event on Thursday 20 June 2024! Our thanks to Miss Blacker, our Primary Schools Sports Coordinator, and the (new) Year 9 Young Sports Leaders for their help in hosting and running these events. We could not do it without them. It was a delight to hear the support and advice our pupils gave to the young visiting athletes. Our thanks too to the Friends of Deer Park for providing refreshments to spectators.

primary area athletics

primary area athletics

primary area athletics

primary athletics


Secondary District Athletics

Following the Year 7/8 and Year 9/10 District Athletics events, the (new) Year 8-11 Deer Park Athletics team travelled to the Prince of Wales Stadium in Cheltenham on Tuesday 18 June 2024 for the Year 7-10 District Athletics. Our team of talented athletes have worked exceptionally hard and have proved to be the best in their year.

District Athletics team 2024

Twelve schools took part and our team demonstrated outstanding resilience and determination in all events, both on the tartan track and field. We had had a couple of injuries, which required some pupils to fill in superbly for an additional event. Pupils' focus, attitude and behaviour throughout the day was exemplary. The Deer Park team performed sensationally and should be very proud of themselves. There were also many individual winners, who can clearly perform at an even higher level (demonstrating County and possibly Regional standards).

Overall, for all four year groups combined, Deer Park came 2nd out of 12 schools in the District:

Years 7-10 - Girls 2nd, Boys 2nd - Combined team 2nd
Year 7 - Girls 2nd, Boys 1st - Combined team 1st
Year 8 - Girls 6th, Boys 1st - Combined team 4th
Year 9 - Girls 2nd, Boys 2nd - Combined team 2nd
Year 10 - Girls 2nd, Boys 2nd - Combined team 1st.

"I competed in four events this year, which was really challenging, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I won 2 events." Mimi vW (new Year 11)

"I really enjoyed the experience so much. It was super competitive and I had to be at my best." Oliver B (new Year 9)

"A fantastic experience, something which I would love to do again. I have had to advance my throwing technique to increase my distance." Molly B (new Year 10)

Sports Day

On Wednesday 26 June, the hottest day of the year so far, everyone was on the Sports Field for our annual Sports Day, taking part in track and field events and supporting their tutor group and friends. This year, in addition to the traditional track and field events, we introduced the tactical game Boccia in the Sports Hall as an additional event - participants definitely appreciated the relative cool of the Sports Hall. 

sports day 2024

sports day 2024

sports day 2024

sports day 2024

sports day 2024

sports day 2024

sports day 2024

sports day 2024

Unfortunately, we ran out of time for the final race of the afternoon, the highly competitive pupils v staff relay - we will have to wait until 2025, which gives staff plenty of time to train!

Individual Victor Ludorum trophies were awarded on Sports Day to Will T and Tash B in (new) Year 8, Ollie B and Holly J in (new) Year 9, Lewis J and Willow K-M in (new) Year 10, Aiden B and Lilly H in (new) Year 11. Congratulations!

This annual summer athletics event is a real team event, involving the whole school, pupils and staff. Our thanks to the PE Faculty, Site Team, Announcer, Tech Team and all other staff who helped with the smooth running of this annual event.