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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Into Nature

Inside and Out : Nurturing Nature Connection and Self-Awareness

In Spring 2024, a small group of our Year 7 and Year 8 pupils had the opportunity to spend time in Hailey Woods, Cirencester as part of an Into Nature forest school scheme we have been lucky enough to have been involved with. The object of the sessions was to build resilience, increase confidence, teamwork, meet new people and learn new skills.

The practitioners running the course used their training in restorative practice, safeguarding, and forest school alongside the evidence-based Look Again methodology to facilitate a safe and supportive space. During the 5-week programme in April and May, our pupils were introduced to the concepts of mindfulness and nature connection, as well as getting an overview of what services are available to support children within the county, such as Victim Support.

Every week the pupils started by collecting kindling and firewood and had to light the fire with flints and cotton wool, learning about the importance of fire safety while in the woods. They then took part in different activities, for example, a scavenger hunt, putting up hammocks (trusting their knots), den building, bread making, making fresh wild garlic pesto, making popcorn, and whittling wood.

into nature - week 1

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature project

into nature project

into nature project

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature project

into nature project

into nature project

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature

into nature project

into nature project

into nature project

into nature project

Spending time in nature can really benefit our mental and physical wellbeing. Through the course, pupils looked at how connecting with nature helps us to connect with others and ourselves, and we start to know ourselves better inside and out. Pupils continually demonstrated the ability to make positive choices for themselves and those around them - they were helpful, kind, respectful to each other and to the surrounding nature.

Pupils' feedback has all been positive and all of them would like to take part in another course if it were to happen again. Their comments include...

‘I learnt how to use a knife safely.' ‘It was great fun and I learnt how to make bread in the wild.’ ‘It was really interesting, as we got to know new people and got to work with our friends in a different way.’ ‘I learnt how to make a fire safely.’

Ms Barnwell (Year 8 Year Leader): 'I really enjoyed the sessions seeing the pupils in different surroundings, learning new skills, and making new friends. It was lovely to see their realisation that one can survive in the wilds with a fire, some foraged foods and a shelter. It was a breath of fresh air in today’s busy technologically minded world.'

Mrs Hobson (Year 7 Year Leader): 'Throughout the sessions I attended I loved seeing the pupils trying new experiences and working together. I especially enjoyed working with the pupils in the outdoors, cooking food over the campfire and seeing them constructing their dens.'

"This pilot 'Inside & Out: Nurturing Nature Connection and Self-Awareness' program was co-produced with the young people themselves, aiming at creating a program that helped them develop self-awareness through a connection with nature. Through student feedback and observations, we learned a significant amount about how to refine the program for future iterations. The young people expressed enjoyment and a desire for continued participation. We also observed a growth in their confidence in identifying and communicating their needs. We are excited to use these findings to refine the program and continue empowering young people on their journeys of self-discovery and nature connection." John de Gruyther, Community Engagement and Training Manager at You Got This Glos.