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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Learning Conferences

We were delighted to welcome our Year 7 parents to their first Learning and Curriculum Evening on Thursday 15 September 2016. This event followed our Year 7 Pupils' Learning Conference on the same day.

For our pupils in Year 7 during Period 1 and again later in the evening for their parents, our Main Hall was transformed into a large conference room. Key members of staff contributed to each interactive conference by leading focused and tightly timed activities which were designed to help pupils and parents reflect on their own learning. 

During their Learning Conference, pupils sat around tables with other members of their tutor groups, ready for a very different learning experience. They learnt about how to look after their brains and encouraged to think about what and how they will learn in the core subjects, English, Maths and Science. Pupils were also introduced to building learning power and our commitment to helping them develop they resilience they will need as they progress through the school and adolescence. We challenge our pupils to achieve more than they first think is possible and to be the best they can be every day.

“ We were lucky enough to have a Learning Conference all about our learning over the next five years. We were told all about our lessons and the school's high expectations. We had interactive activities to complete as a group in our core subjects.” Year 7 pupil

“We were told about English, Maths and Science and what we would be learning over the next year. We were put into teams and completed a quiz about the Titanic, William Shakespeare and lots more!” Year 7 pupil

Year 7 Learning Conference september 2016

Year 7 Learning Conference September 2016

Year 7 learning conference september 2016

The programme for the parents’ Learning and Curriculum Evening was similar. It followed the same format and enabled parents to meet with other parents of children in the same tutor group. It was lovely to see the parents being as competitive as their children had been during the interactive sections, especially in response to the ‘brain dump’ and the English quiz. Receiving the same information allows our parents to share the experience with their children, and understand how they can support their children with their learning at home.

Year 7 parents provided valuable feedback on their children’s induction and we were able to respond to the questions they raised. We were pleased to learn that their children’s experiences so far were overwhelmingly positive:

"The Induction Days last term meant our daughter was much more confident about her first day."

"All communication since knowing our daughter was coming to Deer Park has been and continues to be excellent."

"The support of the staff has been encouraging!"

"Our daughter has enjoyed the challenge of adapting to a new situation."

"Settled. Happy. Inspired. Establishing a routine. Independent."

"What a fun and informative evening! Loved everyone's competiveness over the memory quiz showing us how the brain works. The evening was a great way showing us as parents/carers how we can support our children with their school work." Year 7 Parent

We are always very keen to work with our parents to support their child's learning and progress at Deer Park. As a part of our ‘learning triangle’ which aims to strengthen the bonds between school, pupils and their parents, parents in Year 8 and Year 9 will also be invited to a Learning and Curriculum Evening this term:

  • Year 7 on Thursday 15 September, 6.30pm in the Main Hall
  • Year 8 on Wednesday 19 October, 6.30pm in the Main Hall
  • Year 9 on Wednesday 5 October, 6.30pm in the Main Hall.

We very much hope that our parents will be able to attend our Learning and Curriculum Evenings as we will be sharing some key messages about effective learning and information about the topics we cover. These sessions will complement the opportunities your son/daughter will be given in school. At each event we will set aside time for discussion and questions.

These events are for parents only as pupils will be participating in their own Learning Conferences on the same days. Look out for a letter which will come home prior to each event.