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Cirencester Deer Park School

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YEar 11 DofE Bronze Award

Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award

On Tuesday 19 March 2024 we recognised and celebrated the achievements of our Year 11 DofE Bronze Award participants at a Presentation Evening.

dofe logoThese pupils began their Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award journey when they signed up in the Autumn of 2021. Still in the throes of the COVID pandemic, and with all the limitations this placed upon them, the participants showed great resilience and resolve, particularly in the early months of the programme. 

This well-regarded award has 4 sections - Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition - and pupils complete the Expedition section with the support of the school and Approved Activity Provider (AAP) No Limits Development.

Our participants had a two-day expedition training session in July 2022 and completed their qualifying Expedition section in September 2022.

As always, we saw a great range of activities undertaken for the Volunteering, Skill and Physical sections, and as we reflected at the Presentation Evening, the Volunteering section, in particular, greatly benefits the local community and wider society, beyond each individual pupil's immediate sphere.

All participants should be extremely proud of their achievements, and as Emily and Sasha observed, "The overall experience has given us skills which we will use throughout our lives, in team-work, problem-solving and resilience."

Mr Reed, DofE Manager

Y11 DofE bronze award presentation evening