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Cirencester Deer Park School

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DofE Expedition

During the weekend of 17-18 September, our Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award participants successfully completed their Expedition in the Forest of Dean.

Congratulations to all 56 of our Cirencester Deer Park School Bronze Award participants for a fantastic effort last weekend. We are extremely proud of you - your behaviour was impeccable and you all completed the Expedition. Well done!

Mrs Wyatt, DofE Coordinator

The two days and one night expedition started at 10am on Saturday morning - four groups starting from St Braivels and four groups from Beechenhurst. All participants camped overnight at the same campsite and finished their Expedition, where the other groups had started, midafternoon on Sunday, having walked approximately 22 kilometers. The weather was kind and participants were exposed to the gorgeous local scenery, with many experiencing the wonderful view of the River Wye from Symonds Yat Rock. 

"The River Wye is meandering just like our journey!" Elliot
"I had fun! Especially arriving back and feeling proud of what we accomplished." Emily

DofE Expedition September 2016

DofE Expedition September 2016

DofE Expedition September 2016

DofE Expedition September 2016

There were memorable moments, including one boy's less than brilliant sense of direction, and interesting items in some participants' packs, including a certain young lady once again insisting on bringing half a water melon in her backpack and another participant bringing a dressing gown... granted, she did look very elegant!

DofE logo​Our pupils coped exceptionally well in all aspects of the expedition, especially considering that many of these young people had not had a great deal of outdoors experience. We were impressed by the huge progress in navigation skills made by some groups and how others learnt to work better as a team. All groups were thoroughly debriefed at the end of their expedition, receiving advice as well as feedback from their Assessors on their progress. They have completed a presentation of their expedition, covering their aims, experiences and outcomes.

Completing D of E is a wonderful achievement and it has been amazing seeing our pupils face this challenge, grow as individuals and become true team members. Well done everyone.

Mrs Ellison

Participants should now be completing their activities and Assessor Reports should be signed off by the end of October, so that the awards can be verified by Assistant Head Miss Brace.  We look forward to the Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award ceremony early in 2017.

Mr Reed, Assistant Pastoral Team Leader, will be launching the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award to Year 9 pupils in an assembly in October, so any Year 9 pupils who might be interested in doing their Bronze Award this year should keep an ear out for more information. Pupils and parents should be aware that the Practice Expedition takes place during Enrichment Week in July 2017.

DofE participants gain valuable skills, have incredible experiences and make friends for life. The DofE encourages teamwork and social interaction and helps young people to stand out from the crowd when applying for university and jobs.