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Cirencester Deer Park School

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High School Musical Report

What a remarkable show!

Written by Kathy DC (Year 10)

High School Musical... wow! After months of rehearsals, practice, singing, and dancing, it was all worth it for a whole school show that will be remembered for years to come.

The incredible performances by our actors showed true commitment, and every cast member perfectly embodied their characters - from expression, to costume, to line-to-line. It is an exceptional feeling to say that this dedication from our pupils was evident as all four shows, from Wednesday 21 to Saturday 24 February 2024, were sold out.

high school musical

High School Musical was the show that had everyone tapping their toes and singing tunes well beyond the performance. The incredible energy rippling through the hall as the cast poured on to the stage from every angle, Cheerleaders, Seniors & Juniors, the Basketball team, Brainiacs and Thespians flooding in from everywhere. It truly was a sight to see.

To make this show possible, the Expressive Arts Faculty has been in full prep mode for months. After school has been crucial for most of the rehearsals - some dancing, others singing, the Tech Team managing sound and lighting behind the scenes, all supported by The Band (pupils Stan, Tom, Ethan and Megan, plus Mr Cook and Miss Faux). This show has proven to be very inclusive through ensuring some of the lead roles were double cast, having the set design created by the Arts faculty and others with the opportunity to write about this phenomenal show (this article!). This wouldn’t have been possible without The Team: Mrs Gleed (Director & Choreographer), Miss Faux (Vocal Director & Piano), Mr Cook (Band Director & Guitar) and Mr Reed (Acting Coach), who have spent months trying to perfect this performance by guiding and supporting pupils.

Other special thank yous must go to Joe Gray (assistant choreographer), Mr Gleed (set building), Miss Simpson (leading design team), Mrs Voss & Mrs Chaplin (assisting rehearsals), Mr Grant & Maintenance Team (staging and set up), Ms Spittall (photography), Kelly & Sam (tech set up) and Ben (lighting set up) and all the staff who supported during show week. Massive thank yous to the Tech Team - Mr Faux, Josh, Sammy, Charlie, Tom and Olly - for ensuring that lighting and sound was perfect for all four shows.

Our leads were spectacularly embodied by Lizzi and Sasha (double cast as Gabriella) and Will  (Troy). A few extra shout outs to our other main actors: Emily and Izzie (double cast as Sharpay), Charlotte and Caitlin (double cast as Taylor), Joe and Toby (double cast as Zeke), Felix (Chad), Reece and Corey (double cast as Jack Scott), Georgie (Martha), Olivia and Niamh (double cast as Ms Darbus), Coco and Jess (double cast as Kelsi), Gil (Ryan) and Gabe (Coach Bolton). All these pupils have contributed immensely to the success of this show, many of them being present on all four nights!

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

high school musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical

At the end of the show, the cast read out many heartfelt messages to all the staff members and other amazing people who had made this show possible. Hugs were exchanged and a few tears were shed, all sealed with beautiful bouquets and a framed picture and basketball from the pupils. It goes without saying that our pupils received the credit they deserve - there were standing ovations from the audience and certificates from the Expressive Arts Faculty for all the hard work they’ve put in over the past six months.

A particular favourite song is “We’re all in this together”. This is the last song in the show and involves the whole cast singing and dancing together; the only way to end a show built on a rollercoaster of emotions.

Once again, we would like to thank everybody who made this show possible, whether on stage or behind the scenes - your dedication has most certainly paid off and we couldn’t be more proud!

High School Musical

High School Musical

“I absolutely loved rehearsals, as the teachers and my friends made it so fun. Although I was very nervous to perform on the first night, I really enjoyed it on the last night, and the whole cast did so well every single night!”  Sasha J (Gabriella)

“High School Musical was so much fun! Being with all my friends on that stage was the highlight of my year. I have also made lots of new friends as we always do during the musicals because of the supportive, fun rehearsals.”  Lizzi S (Gabriella)

“I really enjoyed being in the musical because I was in it with friends and was also able to make many new ones. It has also helped me a lot with my GCSE Drama.” Will B (Troy) 

“Being a part of the Tech Team is very fun but also stressful. However, it feels extremely rewarding when you get it right and it all comes together.” Olly W (Tech Team)

“We've been very impressed by the whole school performance, the acting, the singing and the look of the show has been very professional.” Parent

High School Musical

High School Musical

“I was absolutely thrilled with how the show went. The cast have been so fantastic and have worked so hard, we are so chuffed and pleased that it all paid off! We were really happy with how supportive the audience were, they helped to create such a fantastic atmosphere.” Mrs Gleed

“We are very proud of all the pupils that took part, it was a great six months filled with fun, and they worked super hard! It was yet another amazing Deer Park show.” Miss Faux

“I thought the musical was phenomenal, the choreography was amazing. The band sounded incredible, as they always do, and the amount of positive feedback that we have had has been brilliant. The pupils have worked really hard, so have the staff, and the performance was just amazing.” Mr Cook

“The show was phenomenal! My children absolutely loved it too. I really enjoyed being so involved this year.” Mrs Voss

“Incredible humour and humility from all the pupils! An absolute pleasure to have been included and one of the very best musicals I’ve ever done.” Mr Reed

“An absolutely fantastic show! The lights, costumes, singing and set design was all extremely wonderful to see. We were particularly impressed by the set design; it really made the show come to life.”  Parent

high school musical

What a fantastic production. The Expressive Arts team, staff helpers, amazing pupil performers, musicians and tech team, with the support of parents, have again raised the bar on what can be expected of school productions. In one word, "Wow!"

Mr Clutterbuck, Headteacher

Look out for a Gallery coming on the website soon!