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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in school

Message from Mr Clutterbuck, Headteacher:

Artificial intelligence has taken the media by storm and will continue to do so, with every iteration bringing ever more sophisticated functions to our digital lives.

But what is AI? And how can it support education? What are the risks associated with it?

We need to help our pupils understand how to use AI appropriately to enhance their experience of learning and equip them with the skills they will need to build careers in a world where the use of AI is fast becoming as commonplace as sending an email.

Artificial Intelligence is used to describe computer systems that have been trained to think, learn or behave in a similar way to human beings. These systems power devices and applications that respond to the world around them, solve problems, and make decisions or calculations based on large amounts of data.

Generative AI such as ChatGPT is a type of artificial intelligence that uses the data and patterns it has learned to create new content based on the instructions that you, the user, provide. AI can support pupils in their learning and in the development of their ideas. For example, it can help pupils come up with new ideas, create revision and study plans, fix mistakes, and perhaps help them manage their time better.

However, AI is not perfect: it can be biased, factually incorrect, inappropriate, and offensive.

Pupils must use their judgement and always fact-check any AI suggestions. Pupils already learn about fact-checking online information and they are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills and to learn how to recognise bias (in text, images and video) and to identify deepfakes. If pupils need assistance with checking the validity of content or citing references, then they should be asking their subject teachers for help.

For our pupils, not just while they are here at Deer Park but when they move on to post-16 providers and beyond, AI must not be used to generate work or content the pupils intend to submit and pass off as their own. All work submitted at Deer Park must be the pupil's own work and all references must be cited or referenced appropriately.

The world of AI is constantly changing, bringing new benefits and new challenges. As a means of setting some boundaries and procedures for how we at Deer Park should work with AI, the school will adhere to the following guidelines (published February 2024) and we will be communicating our expectations with pupils through assemblies, in addition to the exam rules provided for Key Stage 4 pupils (see Exams Statutory Documents on Exams):

Deer Park pupils may use AI tools:

  1. As a research tool to help them find out about new topics and ideas.
  2. When specifically studying and discussing AI in schoolwork, for example in IT lessons or Art homework about AI generated images. All AI-generated content must be properly cited and referenced.

Deer Park pupils may not use AI tools:

  1. During assessments, including internal and external assessments such as exams, coursework and non examined assessments (NEAs).
  2. To write their homework or any classwork where AI-generated text is presented as their own work.
  3. As an alternative to engaging in learning.

Cirencester Deer Park School considers any unattributed use of AI-generated text, sound or imagery to be plagiarism and will follow procedures as set out in our exam and plagiarism guidelines (see Exams).

Useful Links:

To conclude, I asked ChatGPT to “Write a newsletter piece to parents of secondary age pupils about what AI is and how it can be used sensibly and ethically by pupils to enhance their learning.” Click below to see the response.

Click here to read what Headteacher ChatGPT generated:

“Dear Parents,

In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent, shaping various aspects of our lives, including education. As educators, it's essential to empower our secondary age pupils with the knowledge and understanding of AI and its responsible use to enhance their learning experiences.

So, what exactly is AI? At its core, AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, enabling them to learn from data, adapt to new information, and perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. From virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to recommendation algorithms on streaming platforms, AI is already deeply embedded in our daily lives.

When used sensibly and ethically, AI can offer numerous benefits to students, enriching their educational journey in diverse ways:

1. Personalized Learning: AI- powered educational platforms can analyze students' learning patterns and preferences to tailor personalized learning experiences, catering to individual strengths and weaknesses.

2. Adaptive Assessment: AI algorithms can provide real-time feedback on students' progress, identifying areas for improvement and suggesting targeted learning resources or interventions.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AI-driven AR and VR technologies can create immersive learning environments, allowing students to explore concepts in science, history, and other subjects in engaging and interactive ways.

4. Language Learning: AI-powered language learning apps can offer personalized language instruction, adapting to students' proficiency levels and learning pace, thereby facilitating effective language acquisition.

However, it's crucial to approach the use of AI in education with mindfulness and ethical considerations. As parents, you play a vital role in guiding your children to use technology responsibly. Here are some tips to foster responsible AI usage:

1. Critical Thinking: Encourage your children to critically evaluate the information provided by AI systems, questioning biases and potential inaccuracies.

2. Digital Wellbeing: Promote healthy screen time habits and balance between online and offline activities to ensure that AI technology enhances, rather than hinders, their overall wellbeing.

3. Privacy Awareness: Teach your children about the importance of protecting their privacy online and understanding the implications of sharing personal data with AI-powered platforms.

4. Ethical Decision-Making: Foster discussions about the ethical implications of AI technology, encouraging your children to consider the societal impact of their digital actions.

By fostering a culture of responsible AI usage, we can empower our students to harness the potential of this transformative technology while upholding ethical principles and values.

Together, let's embark on this journey of exploration and discovery, guiding our children to become responsible digital citizens equipped to thrive in an AI-driven world.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[School Name]”