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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 11 Mocks Results

Mock exams results for Year 11

On Friday 12 January 2024, the end of the first week back at school following the festive break, our Year 11 pupils received their Mock Exams Results. Until then, all the mock grades had been under embargo, but that afternoon pupils were able to open their personalised envelopes and see the fruits of their labours.

The purpose of Mock Results Day is to simulate what the pupils will experience this summer when they collect their exam results, but principally, this formal event emphasises the importance of the mock exams.

Immediately prior to collecting their results, Year 11s had an assembly with Mr Clutterbuck, putting the mocks into context and talking about the preparation pupils will need to make in the run up to the summer exams. From the assembly, pupils made their way to the Atrium where they queued to receive their results handed out by teaching and support staff.

"Year 11 experienced a range of emotions and showed various reactions when reading their results, but I can honestly say that the year group did themselves proud. The atmosphere was positive, and pupils were supportive of each another. There were immediate pledges from pupils to make the right changes for the next steps in their revision and many touched base with their teachers to be reassured that they were moving their learning in the right direction. It was lovely to see so many members of staff in the Atrium supporting the pupils." Mr Clutterbuck, Headteacher

Y11 mock results assembly

Y11 mock results

y11 mock results

Y11 mock results

Year 11 now have 13 school weeks of teaching left until the summer exams begin in early May. Armed with their mocks results, forecast grades, the second of three revision timetables (see below) and having had their Year 11 Parents' Evening on Thursday 18 January, they are in an effective state of preparedness to tackle the final stages of learning the curriculum and in-class revision. The final timetable will be issued just before Easter. 

Effective revision resources including guidance videos can be found under Effective Learning.

On Monday 22 January, Young Minds Matter, a Gloucestershire-based mental health support service, led a really useful Year 11 assembly focusing on self help for exam stress. See their booklet below, which includes stress busting tips, information on managing mental blocks and more. 

y11 exam stress assembly