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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Celebrating our Class of 2023

Class of 2023 Celebration of Achievement Evening

We were delighted to welcome our Class of 2023 back to Cirencester Deer Park School for our annual Celebration of Achievement Evening on Thursday 16 November 2023. Nearly 300 pupils and parents attended the evening, with 78% of the year group nominated for at least one award.

The Celebration of Achievement Evening served as a great opportunity to reflect on their days at Deer Park, from their Induction Days in 2018 through to the Summer of 2023. The Class of 2023 achieved some amazing exams results, which, as a school, we are immensely proud of, as should our former pupils be.

The different facilities had nominated pupils in recognition of their hard work and efforts within the subjects. To receive a nomination meant that a pupil was in the top 6% of the year group, which is a massive achievement in itself. Heads of Faculty introduced their subject(s) and reflected on the cohort and their achievements before finally announcing the winners. Along with the faculty nominations and awards, pupils were also recognised for their contribution outside the classroom, including extra-curricular PE and expressive arts. Pupils were also recognised for their contribution to tutor time.

Following the faculty presentations, we were delighted to announce awards for pupils who had achieved the most progress and those with the highest academic achievement, as well as recognising those pupils who had been nominated a number of times. The final presentation was the Headteacher's Award - Mr Clutterbuck was extremely proud to present this award to Nigel B and Isabel C.

"It was lovely to see so many of our Class of 2023 coming back to school to celebrate one another's achievements. As a headteacher, they were my first Year 11 group to pass through and they did it with aplomb! For that reason they will always have a special place in my memories." Mr Clutterbuck, Headteacher

I am grateful to Mikey Ezewudo, a member of the school's local governing body, for providing some words of advice and guidance, and for his vote of thanks.

Once the formal presentations were finished, pupils were invited to collect their exam certificates and leavers' booklets from the Atrium. This was a great opportunity to meet the pupils, and their parents, one-on-one and wish them luck for the future.

"It was wonderful to see the success of so many young people in the Class of 2023 recognised and celebrated. Mr Clutterbuck spoke of achievements hard-earned though challenging circumstances and Deer Park has offered so much, despite these. Opportunities in sport, drama and music as well as academic challenge have given our son the confidence, skills and qualifications to move on to the next step in his education journey. After the main presentations, it was great to hear what other Deer Park Alumni are doing now."  Class of 2023 Parent

Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head