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Year 10 Oxford UNi

Year 10 University of Oxford trip

On Thursday 18 May 2023 we took a group of our Year 10 pupils to Oxford for the day. Our association with University of Oxford's Lady Margaret Hall was first established in 2013 and over the years we have had many opportunities to engage with their Outreach team.

lady margaret hall university of oxford

We were met by Grace Walters, Outreach Officer for Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford. In a lecture theatre Grace presented facts about the University and what life is like as a student at Oxford. This latest initiative is designed to promote the application process, whilst dispelling historic ideas of the ‘perfect pupil profile’. Pupils then experienced a taster Economics lecture delivered by Dr Natalie Quinn. 

After lunch in the Dining Hall, we walked into Oxford for a whistle-stop tour of the Bodleian Libraries, followed by a visit to the 'Bright Sparks: Photography and the Talbot Archive' exhibition (open until Thursday 15 June) which includes images by local photographer Simon Murison-Bowie who has re-photographed views of Oxford previously captured by William Henry Fox Talbot in the 1840s. 

Mrs Stubbs, Year 10 Year Leader, commented: ‘Our pupils were engaged from the very start and were enthused by the information shared by Grace. The prospect of being able to access this prestigious college certainly gave many of our young people food for thought and reinforced the concept that with ambition comes success’. 

‘A fascinating insight into life at University.’ Ed

‘Visiting Oxford University was an amazing chance to experience university life. I learnt lots and it has helped me with my future choices.’  Emy

‘A very enjoyable and interesting day. I learnt a lot.’ Max 

Year 10 university of oxford trip

Year 10 university of oxford

Year 10 university of oxford

‘The Oxford trip was an insight into University life and a worthwhile experience.’ Charlotte

‘The Oxford University trip was a great experience to see what University would be like. A very interesting and enjoyable day.’ Harry

‘It was an interesting and informative trip that made me think lots about my future.’ Rosie 

y10 university of oxford

Year 10 university of oxford

y10 university of oxford