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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Class of 2023 Leavers' Day

Farewell Year 11, until we see you again

Friday 12 May 2023 was the last formal day in school for our Year 11 pupils, aka our Class of 2023, before their study leave and the GCSE exams commence on Monday 15 May.

There was a special kind of energy amongst our young people on their Leavers' Day. They started with two lessons, then gathered on the front field for the traditional shirt signing, followed by a BBQ lunch cooked by Mr Bellamy and Mr Clutterbuck and ice cream delivered by a Winstones ice cream van. Luckily the weather was on our side and it was a lovely opportunity to wish our Class of 2023 well.

class of 2023 shirt signing

class of 2023 shirt signing

class of 2023 shirt signing

class of 2023 shirt signing

class of 2023 shirt signing

class of 2023 shirt signing

class of 2023 shirt signing

class of 2023 shirt signing

The year group moved into Expressive Arts for their final Leavers' Assembly and were treated to some memorable messages from their tutors, with Mr Armshaw setting the standard this year. There was time to reflect on their time at Deer Park by watching their Induction Day video from 2018 and seeing their official photographs and others images through the years.

Mr Clutterbuck shared some words of wisdom and nine life lessons:

  1. Turn up!
  2. Compliment someone every day
  3. Grasp nettles tightly
  4. Keep your perspective
  5. Enjoy taking risks
  6. Less is more
  7. Tell compelling stories
  8. Beware of certainty
  9. Be generous with time

Year 11 Year Leader Ms Barnwell: 'It has been an absolute pleasure to be able to look after this year group. I am thankful for every moment I have had with them, the good and the bad! I have had many laughs and they have all made me really proud. I wish them all loads of luck in their exams and look forward to seeing lots of them on the dance floor at the Leavers' Ball at the end of June.'

We hope that pupils enjoyed their day and we wish our Class of 2023 all the best in their upcoming exams and beyond, and hope that they will keep us informed in the future about what they are doing.

The Class of 2023 are the first Year 11 group to pass through the school with me as their headteacher. They have made me very proud, and whilst today is not really about me, I can’t help feeling that they have been listening to our key messages about values, and today they enacted them perfectly. They are a trustworthy year group, full of kindness and determination and that’s all we could ask for. Using a quote from the great Tim Minchin, I told them that 'to dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are'. I don’t think any of our Class of 2023 are prepared to waste being the people they are. On the contrary, today they have shown the right way to live life to the full. Stay Gold, Year 11!


Richard Clutterbuck, Headteacher

class of 2023 shirt signing

From Monday 15 May the year group are on study leave and the majority of pupils will only be coming in to school to sit their exams, although some have already booked quiet study space in school. Pupils should check the revision and exam MOT checklist that Mr Clutterbuck shared with them last month.


  • Any pupils who have not yet cleared out their locker and collected the £5 deposit from the Admin Office, should do so as soon as possible.
  • The Leavers' Ball takes place on Friday 30 June and tickets, which MUST be purchased in advance, are still on sale (£12) via WisePay.
  • The Friends of Deer Park would welcome donations of clean, good quality Deer Park uniform if you have items of uniform, including PE kit, that are no longer required. Simply bag up the items, mark clearly FAO Friends of Deer Park and ask your child to drop them at Reception. Thank you.

Important dates:

  • Monday 15 May, first GCSE
  • Friday 23 June, last GCSE
  • Friday 30 June, Leavers' Ball
  • Thursday 24 August, Results Day
  • (Date TBC) November, Celebration of Achievement Evening.