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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 9 Celebration of Achievement

Key Stage 3 Celebration of Achievement Evening 2023

On Wednesday 3 May 2023 we welcomed Year 9 pupils and their parents/carers to our Key Stage 3 Celebration of Achievement Evening. It is always a pleasure to see so many parents/carers and pupils attend our annual celebratory evening, which marks the closing of their time in Key Stage 3 before they move up into Key Stage 4 and embark on their GCSEs in June after the half term break.

This year around 80% of the year group were nominated in the Faculty awards, including pupils who received recognition for their contributions to the wider school community. Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head, reminded pupils that it is a real honour to be nominated for a Faculty award as it marks out those pupils in the top 4% for either Attainment, Effort or Improvement. Some pupils who gained a number of nominations received a special award.

Heads of Faculty reflected positively on the year group's achievements so far and how difficult it was to narrow down the nominations - there were so many worthy contenders. They asked pupils to continue to apply themselves as they move into Key Stage 4.

There were additional awards for 100% attendance, tutor awards, as well as pupil’s contribution to extracurricular activities in PE and Expressive Arts.  The Headteacher's Award went to Leo H and Evelyn B for their outstanding contribution to school as well as their academic achievement.

Former pupil Joe Gray gave a speech, with guidance on the transition to Key Stage 4 and how pupils can make the most of their opportunities. His three main pieces of advice were:

  • Ensure you revise effectively
  • Ensure you make the most of support in school
  • Ensure you have a good balance between school and home life.

Congratulations to all those who were nominated and especially to the winners, well done.

Year 9 parent: "Our son came home full of delight after receiving his award. Thank you for providing such an uplifting event, it will have really encouraged many students to continue to work hard and try their best."

Teachers will continue to provide advice and guidance, further challenge and support in forthcoming lessons as the year group completes Year 9, and then with their GCSE courses as they move into Year 10 in June.