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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Model UN Event

Model United Nations Conference at Westonbirt School

On Friday 3 March 2023, a delegation from the Deer Park Debating Society joined WESTMUN, a Model United Nations event at Westonbirt School.

There were 5 delegations from local schools. Each delegation was allocated a country and it was their job to represent the interests of their country in the debates and influence the final wording of resolutions. Our pupils represented Brazil and worked with delegates representing other countries (US, China, Israel and Nigeria) to draw up resolutions aimed at addressing global problems related to security, space, the environment and humanitarian issues.

It is no understatement to say that the team from Deer Park was amazing. They were by far the youngest participants present and the only Key Stage 3 team, yet this didn't daunt them - they not only participated fully but were outstanding in doing so. 

westonbirt model UN

This team - Freya W, Annie F, Georgia S, Eliza S, Isobel G and Giovanna S (all Year 8) and Emmy S (Year 7) - demonstrated exceptional skills in negotiation, debating and persuasion. They were able to secure agreement for resolutions to benefit Brazil directly and make deals to ensure the best possible outcome in areas of less benefit or interest. Discussions were tense at times, particularly within the Security Council, but the Deer Park team held their own and were a joy to see in action.

Their very proud teacher was the recipient of a vast number of comments relating to how impressive the team was!  Well done Team Deer Park! 

‘I enjoyed the challenge of going up against older pupils and I think that I learnt a lot from it.’  Izzy (Year 8)

‘I had a very fun time. It was interesting to listen and learn about what the different countries had to debate and to negotiate different problems with them.’  Georgia (Year 8)

westonbirt model UN

Debating is an excellent way to develop critical thinking and improve listening and speaking skills. Being able to talk about a statement from various perspectives, and not necessarily one that you inherently believe, really helps understand others' points of view; empathy is a key life skill. The club is open to any pupils in Key Stage 3. Any pupils interested in joining should talk with Dr Simpson.

Dr Simpson, Science Teacher and Debating Society coordinator