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Cirencester Deer Park School

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GCSE Results

Our congratulations go to pupils in our ‘Class of 2016’ who collected their GCSE results on Thursday 25 August. We were delighted to share in their joy as they opened their envelopes,  congratulated and supported each other. 

We were absolutely thrilled to learn so many of our candidates have achieved more than they first thought possible. Over a quarter (27%) of all grades awarded to candidates at Deer Park this summer were at A*-A and there were some truly exceptional individual results: 15 pupils attained 10 or more A*-A grades each and a further 36 have secured more than 5 A*-A grades each.

 Class of 2016 results day


As Headteacher of a comprehensive school, I am immensely proud of our pupils’ achievements at Deer Park. These results are definitely well deserved and our pupils are to be commended on their excellent attitudes to learning and revision. They reflect their positive mindsets and resilience, and our teachers’ commitment to ensuring our pupils are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding of the key concepts required to be successful independent learners across a broad range of subjects.


I am also delighted for many other pupils who, given their individual starting points, have made tremendous progress and they should feel equally pleased with the range of grades they have secured: 76% of pupils in our ‘Class of 2016’ achieved 5 or more A*-C grades and 64% 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Maths. These outcomes will enable the majority of our pupils to progress seamlessly onto the next phase of their learning at college or school-based 6th form or through apprenticeships.  


Chiquita Henson, Headteacher


We look forward to learning how they have built on these strong foundations when we catch up with them again on Thursday 10 November at our annual Key Stage 4 Celebration of Achievement. We wish them all every success in the future.


"The English team are delighted that pupils’ effort and commitment has been rewarded by such excellent Language and Literature results.  We were particularly thrilled that 34% of pupils achieved A* and A grades in English Language."  Julie Davies, Head of English

"Pupils have enjoyed great success this year in History with 80% of our pupils achieving above a C grade and 20% gaining A*/A grades.  We are impressed by their efforts and so proud that we have been able to support such fantastic achievements."  James Johnson, Assistant Head and Teacher of History

"The Year 11 pupils have worked really hard towards being the very best they could be and I am pleased with their results.  Their efforts certainly paid off with 70% of the cohort securing a Grade C or above and 18% achieving top A*/A grades in Maths.  Well done Class of 2016."  Nicky Pennington, Head of Maths

"I am very proud of the results and achievements of the Class of 2016. There are some fantastic results and the number of As and A*s are excellent.  The whole year group have worked really hard and gained the results they deserved.  It was lovely to see so many happy smiling faces.  I wish them the best of luck and look forward to seeing them again in November at their Celebration of Achievement Evening.”  Cath Brace, Head of Key Stage 4


Pupils in Year 10 are also deserving of our congratulations and we wish to acknowledge their successes in Statistics and Religious Studies alongside those of a number of Key Stage 3 pupils who attained outstanding grades in Spanish, Chinese and Russian.