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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 8 Science Trip

Encouraging pupils into STEM

On Monday 5 December 2022, members of our Science Faculty, led by Mrs Tipper, took a group of Year 8 pupils to the Gloucestershire Schools’ Christmas Lecture at the Bacon Theatre on the Dean Close School site in Cheltenham.

We watched two lectures, the first by Katie Steckles, a mathematician interested in Maths’ Greatest Unsolved Puzzles. The second lecture, which was our group's favourite, was delivered by Jonny Berliner. Jonny, a science troubadour, is an expert in using songs in the classroom which have been featured in the Guardian Science weekly podcast.

y8 science xmas lecture

y8 science xmas lecture

Kimi said “The Science lecturer was my favourite as he had lots of musical elements and experiments. It was very entertaining.”  Quinn said “The Science lecture was my favourite because it was interactive. It was describing different types of energy."

This annual lecture, organised by the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire, aims to enthuse, excite and encourage Year 8 and Year 9 pupils into the STEM subjects of Science, Maths, Engineering and Technology. The 2022 Christmas Lecture certainly inspired our young people! Thank you to our pupils for their exceptional behaviour and to Mr Dobson for accompanying us.

Mrs Tipper, Science Faculty