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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Enrichment Week 2023 Launch

 Enrichment Week returns in 2023

We are delighted that this year we are able to revert to our traditional Enrichment Week between Monday 3 - Friday 7 July 2023. Enrichment Week is a key part of our promise to deliver "more than a visible curriculum and challenge all pupils to achieve more than they first think is possible". As well as being great fun, the trips and activities have educational purposes, and provide opportunities for pupils to challenge themselves in ways they might not have thought of, from overcoming the fear of heights to staying away from home for the first time. Enrichment Week also gives pupils the chance to meet and make new friends, whilst building relationships with teachers and staff in another context.

During the week commencing Monday 3 July 2023, all pupils will be off timetable and learning new skills, experiencing new situations and developing resilience, independence and confidence.

  • Year 7 will find out about 'Aim for the Stars' in their assembly week ending Friday 18 November 2022.
  • Pupils in Years 8 and 9 found out about their choices in assemblies week ending Friday 11 November.
  • Year 10 will be on Work Experience during the first week of July 2023 and, if they haven't already, should be sorting out their placement.

All pupils in Year 7 will be taking part in our 'Aim for the Stars' programme, with activities chosen to help develop team building and communication skills and to give individuals a challenge.

Pupils in Year 8 and Year 9 have a choice of activities to suit a variety of interests, based at school, based elsewhere in the UK or in Europe.

Activities for 2023:

  • Year 7: Aim for the Stars
  • Year 8/9: Holland
  • Year 8/9: France - Normandy
  • Year 8/9: Germany - Rheinland
  • Year 8/9: M-A-S-S-I-V-E
  • Year 8/9: Music Tour
  • Year 8/9: Football Coaching
  • Year 8/9: Baking Challenge
  • Year 9 only: DofE Bronze Award

Years 8 & 9: Pupils have been asked to complete an online application form (accessible via ShowMyHomework) in conjunction with the parent/carer paper application form. Both forms need to be completed by Friday 18 November 2022 and the completed and signed paper form should be returned to Mr Bellamy in the Pastoral Office and any required deposit must be paid, via WisePay, by the same deadline, Friday 18 November 2022.