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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 7 Learning

Year 7 Learning Conference

On Wednesday 21 September 2022, our youngest pupils attended the Year 7 Pupils’ Learning Conference in the Main Hall during the first lesson of the day and their parents and carers attended the parent version of the event that evening.

The purpose of the conference for the pupils was to help them understand how to learn more effectively. Mr Clutterbuck taught them about their memories and how to use them effectively. This involved accepting that revision should be treated as a friend not an enemy and carried out little and often, and that every Year 7 should aim to be like the Chinese Bamboo Tree.

Mrs Pennington, Head of Maths, interspersed the work on memory and bamboo trees with the importance of Maths and its place in our lives. The conference finished with practical demonstrations of effective ways of revising and our pupils helped set a challenge for their parents for that evening with the judicious use of flash cards.

Year 7 Learning Conference 2022

Year 7 Learning Conference 2022

Year 7 Learning Conference 2022

Year 7 Learning Conference 2022

That evening during the Year 7 Parents' Learning Conference we hosted over 150 parents and carers. The themes were the same as in the pupils’ conference that morning, with the additions of what makes an effective home learning environment and guidance over when and how the pupils should use computers and other digital devices to enhance their learning. This conference was Deer Park's first in-person conference since the pandemic and the first formal opportunity to welcome our Year 7 parents and carers into the school since their children had started with us.

Parent quote: 'I just wanted to say a big thank you to Mr Clutterbuck and Mrs Pennington for the incredibly helpful presentations yesterday.  We immediately went out and bought flashcards to get started with the Leitner method. It's great for us (parents/carers) to be actively involved in learning and helping make revision less daunting by starting early. I came away inspired and feeling incredibly positive, so thank you all.'

One parent commented that it would be really helpful to be able to share the presentation with her husband, who was not at the event, as it definitely helps to be giving the same message!  

Year 7 parents learning conference

'When I got home and spoke to my daughter, she not only asked me which flash cards I’d been given (and corrected me on the questions and answers!) but proceeded to tell me about the Leitner method of revision, and asked for envelopes and flashcards. I feel far more confident now with how to help the children with their revision and studies.'

For those parents unable to attend, we have uploaded a narrated recording of the Year 7 Parent Conference made by Mr Clutterbuck:

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