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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Exam Results 2022

GCSE Results Day, August 2022

Chiquita Henson, Cirencester Deer Park School's outgoing Headteacher, writes:

I’d like to say a very big well done to pupils in our Class of 2022, our first cohort to be externally assessed since 2019. So many have done themselves, their parents and our school proud! Congratulations.

  • 84% secured 5 or more standard passes (grades 9-4)
  • 80% secured 5 or more standard passes (grades 9-4) including English and Maths
  • 90% of pupils attained standard passes in English
  • 82% of pupils attained standard passes in Maths
  • 80% attained the ‘basics’ at 9-4 (English and Maths combined)
  • 27% of all grades awarded were the top grades 9-7
  • 44 pupils (25%) achieved 5 or more of the top grades (9-7)
  • 22 pupils attained 7 or more and, within this, some had full complements of grades 9-8s

As the outgoing Headteacher, I am incredibly proud of their achievements. As a cohort they have not had a typical experience and, remarkably, our outcomes this year are marginally better than the results attained in 2020 and 2021. There are some exceptional individual and subject performances.

The vast majority of pupils in our Class of 2022 persevered in their studies and their tremendous efforts have been rewarded. While many were clearly apprehensive, not even the heavy rain could dampen their smiles as they opened their result. Over the last two years they have engaged in class and online and exercised their independent learning muscles effectively! They have proved themselves to be resilient and resourceful independent learners. I am confident that these excellent foundations and aptitudes will serve them well in the future, and, more immediately, as they progress into the next stage of their learning. I wish them every success and happiness.

I am especially grateful to our staff who endeavoured to minimise the disruption to our pupils’ learning through the unprecedented challenges we all faced from March 2020, including periods of lockdown and uncertainty. Our teachers adapted their teaching and provided continuity; they encouraged and cajoled, motivated and inspired. Our staff also took care to support our pupils and we were all mindful of their wellbeing.

It is fair to say that not all pupils found learning during periods of lockdown easy. My thoughts are also with our pupils who found the experience especially challenging and struggled to make up lost ground or sustain the self-discipline required to achieve their very best. It was great to see the support on hand from their peers and colleagues present when they received their grades. I appreciate their disappointment, but I hope they will recognise and apply the knowledge, aptitudes and skills they have acquired to persevere with their learning too.

During their last year, as we began to settle back into more ‘normal’ routines, many pupils in this cohort benefited from the rich experiences that complemented their studies. We look forward to being able to offer even more of these again to pupils across all year groups as we move into the new school year.

I look forward to joining Mr Clutterbuck, the school’s new Headteacher, and his team at the school’s annual Celebration of Achievement in November and formally congratulating pupils in our Class of 2022 on their progress and attainment. More information will be sent home in the Autumn term regarding this event, when in addition to celebrating together, our Class of 2022 will  be able to collect their GCSE certificates and (pre-ordered) Leavers' Booklet.

results day 2022

results day 2022

‘I am absolutely thrilled with my results. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my teachers. The perfect end to my time at Deer Park!’ Joe G (Class of 2022)

‘I am very pleased that all the pupils’ hard work has paid off and they have achieved a really amazing set of results. All of the Languages teachers are really proud of them.’ Mrs Miller, Head of Languages

results day 2022

results day 2022

‘After a challenging couple of years, we are incredibly proud of the grades our pupils have achieved in English Language and Literature. Our Class of 2022 has been a joy to work with! We look forward to hearing about their future successes.’ Mrs Davies, Head of English

Rachel Brindley, member of the school’s Local Governing Body: 'Congratulations to all of the pupils, and congratulations and thanks to the staff who have supported them through such an unusual period.'

Graham Russell, Chair of the Corinium Education Trust: 'Congratulations all round and of course especially to the students who have had to overcome such extraordinary challenges in their lives over the past 2 years. An amazing performance by everyone.'