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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Induction 2022

Welcoming Year 6 pupils to Deer Park for two Induction Days

We were delighted to be able to welcome our new Year 7 pupils to Deer Park for their two Induction Days on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 July 2022.

These pupils, currently in Year 6 and from 48 different primary schools, were able to spend time getting to know their tutor and other members of their tutor group, as well as navigating the school grounds on a tour. After the ‘Getting To Know You' sessions, pupils followed their September timetable and participated in a wide range of lessons, including the core subjects English, Maths and Science, as well as other areas of the curriculum including Spanish, Music, Humanities and IT.

Following their first day, parents were invited to our Induction Evening for a key note speech by the new Headteacher Richard Clutterbuck and Assistant Head Simon Bellamy. This was also a fantastic opportunity for parents to see what their children had been doing during their first day. We were treated to a live Spanish performance, as pupils recited a song they had learnt during the day, as well as watching a video showing the different activities and lessons they had participated in. Parents had the opportunity to meet their child's tutor for the first time as well as senior members of staff.   

All pupils were a credit to themselves and were impeccably behaved, as well as displaying a huge amount of resilience. It can be daunting to come to your new secondary school for the first time, but also very exciting!

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

induction day 2022

Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head: 'I was very impressed with the maturity of this year group, and they have set the bar high in terms of expectations which I am sure they will achieve during their time at Deer Park.'

Pupil quotes:

‘I’ve already made a new friend.’ 7DE

‘Science was my favourite lesson, it was amazing! And I’ve got my Bunsen Burner licence.' 7LI

‘I’ve had a great time. It has lived up to my expectations.’ 7DO

Mrs Ellison, Year 7 Year Leader: 'It was a pleasure and delight to welcome our new Year 7 pupils to Deer Park for their Induction Days. They had a very busy two days; meeting their tutors, having some lessons, enjoying school lunches and making new friends on a sunny front field. I was so impressed by their maturity, confidence and enthusiasm. I would like to thank all the pupils, members of staff and parents for making these two days such a great success. The whole experience has left me really looking forward to September!'

We hope the pupils had an amazing time and have a lovely summer. Our Heads of Faculty have put together some transition work if pupils are interested in finding out more about what they may be learning in September. We look forward to seeing everyone again in September.