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Cirencester Deer Park School

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District Athletics Success

Prince of Wales Stadium District Athletics Championships

On Tuesday 21 June 2022, our Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 (new Year 8 to Year 11) Athletics teams took part in the District Athletics Championships at the Prince of Wales Stadium in Cheltenham. This event was a long time coming!

Mr Schlaefli, PE Teacher, writes:

It was a super hot day and the pupils were really excited about competing on the big stage. Once again they excelled themselves and performed tremendously well. All the pupils have been practising their events on Wednesday afternoons to either perfect their technique or improve their time or distance in their event. They have all shown excellent commitment this term and their hard work has really paid off.

The 'buzz' and the competitive spirit throughout the day was utterly tremendous and it was something I will never forget. There were literally some 'Chariots of Fire' moments of brilliance and determination, as they realised they had crossed the line first or were champions or delivered a personal best. It was wonderful to see!

There were many great performances and some outstanding results. 10 schools entered the competition and Deer Park came 3rd overall with the Boys and Girls results combined. Our Boys were 2nd overall and Girls were 5th overall. The breakdown for each year group and gender is as follows:

  • Year 7 Boys 3rd
  • Year 7 Girls 3rd
  • Year 8 Boys 1st
  • Year 8 Girls 4th
  • Year 9 Boys 3rd
  • Year 9 Girls 5th
  • Year 10 Boys 1st
  • Year 10 Girls 5th.

Special mention to the following pupils who won their events:

  • Tom C (new Year 8) 800m
  • Chloe B (new Year 8) 100m and 200m
  • Leo B (new Year 9) 100m and High Jump
  • Isaac B (new Year 9) 300m
  • Year 8 Boys Relay Team
  • Hope G (new Year 9) Javelin
  • Ben H (new Year 11) 200m
  • James B (new Year 11) 400m
  • Sam K (new Year 11) High Jump
  • Year 10 Boys Relay Team
  • Becky B (new Year 11) Discus.

2022 District Athletics Team

Tom C: 'I am so chuffed I won today. I came 4th the other day and have put so much training in the last few weeks and it has paid off. 2.30 is a personal best too!'

Chloe B: 'I feel so happy about my double winning achievement in sprinting. This has motivated me to train harder.'

Summer W: 'I came second today but I am proud of my performance. I know what I can improve on, I'm going to learn from this and come back and win next year.'

Dan W: 'I cannot believe I ran a 11.6 100m. I'm absolutely buzzing from this!'

In conclusion, a fantastic achievement once more.  Well done to the whole team, you have proved that you are working at the top end of the district and you have made the school very proud!