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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 6 Welcome Evenings

Welcoming Year 6 to Deer Park

On Thursday 9 June 2022 we held the first of four Welcome Evenings for the families of pupils in Year 6 who will be joining as our new Year 7 pupils in September and we are looking forward to meeting more this month.

Chiquita Henson, as Headteacher of Cirencester Deer Park School and Chief Executive of The Corinium Education Trust, opened the evening. She formally welcomed the families to Deer Park.

‘It was a delight to be able to welcome pupils to the school and meet with them and their parents face-to-face for the first time in a couple of years. The pupils were enthusiastic and all were definitely looking forward to joining the school and making new friends in September. As Chief Executive of The Corinium Education Trust, I will still be working closely with Deer Park and I will be taking a keen interest in pupils’ progress.’ Chiquita Henson

Ms Henson briefly reflected on her roles and explained how she was moving fully into the role of Chief Executive from September before introducing Richard Clutterbuck as Headteacher Designate for September. She then stepped aside to let others lead the evening for the first time in 19 years!

It was a significant moment for Chiquita Henson as she handed over the reins to a new Headteacher, and for Richard Clutterbuck, who is currently one of the school’s Deputy Headtechers, as Headteacher Designate;

‘I have large shoes to fill. From a personal perspective it was a privilege to be able to welcome the Year 6 pupils and their families and reflect on the start of the journey they have embarked on at Cirencester Deer Park School and one I will be joining them on as their new Headteacher.’ Richard Clutterbuck

After Mr Clutterbuck set out our expectations, Mr Bellamy, Assistant Headteacher, covered everything from attitudes to learning, opportunities to thrive, attendance and homework, finishing with the most important of all matters: what the lunches will be like!

Christine Ellison introduced herself as our new Year 7 Year Leader from September. As our out-going Year 11 Year Leader, Mrs Ellison has just said goodbye to our Class of 2022, a year group she has been working with over the last three years.

Mr Reed, Assistant Pastoral Team Leader, reassured parents of the comprehensive pastoral support we have available.

As ever, all of the adult presenters were upstaged by our pupil presenters and, as the best ambassadors for the school, Grace and Darcey in our (new) Year 11 and Toby and Rowan in our (new) Year 8 spoke to the Year 6 families about their experiences at Deer Park, noting how supported they feel and encouraged the young people in the audience to take every future opportunity they are offered by the school.


Click here to read Darcey's speech

My name is Darcey and I am currently (new) Year 11. I remember my first day in Year 7. I remember feeling extremely nervous but also extremely excited. I remember making new friends instantly who I am still friends with today. I will carry those memories with me even after I leave school.

At Deer Park we pride ourselves on our extra-curricular activities, including Sports Clubs and Performing Arts. I had the honour of being in the school’s recent production of Matilda the Musical. I was Mrs Phelps, one of the leads. Being in a Deer Park school production is the best thing – I made many new friends from other years, as well as learning new things like singing and dancing. The Expressive Arts Faculty puts on West End type performances and encourages everyone to do their best.

Another great thing about Deer Park is school trips. These stopped because of Covid but things are returning to 'normal'. In Enrichment Week pupils can learn new skills whilst having fun, amongst the many activities is water sports and theme parks. I have the amazing opportunity to go on the Spanish Exchange next year - I will learn about the culture and language and I can’t wait!

As well as the fun activities, school also provides fun lessons and supports through The Pastoral Team are free any time. As well as our school dogs, Deer Park’s support is incredible – they deal with everything and anything and are always there to help.

I have had the honour of being a Vice President this year, which means I have been able to help the school with things like Open Mornings and charities. We are hoping that the School Council will restart in September and there will be the opportunity for many more people to be involved in the future.

I know that starting a new school is scary but the moment you start, new memories are made. Hopefully we will see soon taking those big steps from primary to secondary school.

Click here to read Rowan's speech

Good evening everyone, my name is Rowan and I have been invited to share my experiences in transitioning from primary school to Deer Park and my time in Year 7.

As soon as I started to think about where I should go for secondary school, Deer Park was at the top of my list. In Year 5 I went to an Open Evening and it was great, although there were worries that I was not in the catchment area. When I found out I had a place at Deer Park I was so happy and was delighted to start in September.

Deer Park worked incredibly hard to ensure that we got an Induction Day, although Covid was still bad at the time; therefore, we were very lucky to have an Induction Day. Meeting my tutors and tutor group was thrilling but, like everyone else, I felt a little nervous. It was very nice also to have a tour of the school. This day allowed me to feel more confident when I started.

I was excited on the first day but also a little worried about finding classrooms but all the staff were so kind and helpful and there were no problems at all. It got easier and easier to find my way around and since my first day I have made many new friends.

My time at Deer Park has been very enjoyable. I love sport and I have taken part in many after school clubs and have been lucky enough to represent the school in Cricket, Basketball, Athletics, Football (my favourite sport) and Hockey. This was all lots of fun.

I love Deer Park very much. The teachers are so nice and supportive and I have made many new friends. I cannot wait to carry on my experience in Year 8 and learn much more.


Quotes from Year 6 parents:

‘I feel reassured and confident that my child will enjoy their time here.’

‘The pastoral care is really impressive.’

‘I would like to go back and study again, the subjects sound amazing.’

Year 6 quotes:

‘I am looking forward to making new friends.’

‘I can’t wait to use the Science labs and the technology rooms.’

‘The Sports clubs look amazing and I would like to act and sing in the musicals.’

‘When can I meet the school dogs?’

If you were unable to attend our first Year 6 Welcome Evening, there are 3 more opportunities to join us at 6pm in the Main Hall:

  • Wednesday 15 June 2022
  • Wednesday 22 June 2022
  • Monday 27 June 2022.

Please use the car park at the back of school near the sports facilities.