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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Friends' Plea

Could you help? A plea from the Friends of Deer Park School

The Friends of Deer Park School are losing many long-standing members in July 2022 as their children are in Year 11 and will be moving on to new educational establishments.

In order for the Friends to carry on operating, providing refreshments at school events, selling used uniform and raising funds for school in other imaginative ways (such as the upcoming Summer Wine Tasting Evening), they need to form a new Committee for September. The Committee positions to be filled are Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. They are also looking for additional members who are willing to be involved on a regular or intermittent basis.

If they cannot recruit new members, there is a real risk that the Friends will no longer be able to operate after many years of successful fundraising for the school, and this would be such a shame. It is really hoped that this can be avoided as the Friends provide a vital lifeline to the school and raise much-needed funds for school initiatives.  

The Friends of Deer Park School are a friendly group of parents who meet once a term (sometimes in the pub!) and are always pleased to welcome new faces.

Could you spare some time to help the Friends of Deer Park School carry out their vital fundraising work for the school?


If a new committee can be formed before the end of term, the current members will provide support and help to ensure a smooth handover.

Please help if you can! If you are interested in joining the Friends' committee, please email at Thank you.


The next Friends of Deer Park School meeting is on Tuesday 14 June 2022, at 6.30pm in the Golden Cross pub, Cirencester. If you would like to find out more about what the Friends do to help support the school, and whether you might be able to help out, why not join them for an informal drink and/or drop them an email - - to find out more.

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