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Cirencester Deer Park School

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An end of term message from Headteacher Ms Henson

The celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee provide opportunities for families, friends and neighbours to come together. This year, this significant milestone in our history, which is unlikely to be achieved again in our lifetimes, is marked by two Bank Holidays on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 June 2022. Events taking place locally include:

We hope everyone is able to enjoy these commemorative activities.

Our Humanities Team have put up a fantastic timeline in the foyer by the Main Hall which shows both national and global events that have taken place during the Queen's reign.

Being born into the Royal Family and, especially after her father’s, King George VI, unexpected succession to the throne in 1936, the Queen had no choice about her career. From the age of 10, as first in line to the throne, Princess Elizabeth was prepared the role of future Queen. On her 21st Birthday she made a clear commitment to The United Kingdom and The Commonwealth:

‘I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service.’

Just four years later in 1952, at the age of 25, she became Queen on the death of her father and she reiterated this pledge at her Coronation in 1953. At the age of 96, she continues to serve and carry out her duties. Whatever our views might be regarding the monarchy, we cannot help but admire her resilience and tenacity.

The theme of service is an especially pertinent one, as we come out of a global pandemic. In my recent assemblies, I reflected on Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s 70 years of service and the positive contribution all who have chosen to work in Public Service make to the communities in which we live, learn and work. This includes all those who fulfil vital roles in the NHS and care homes, the emergency services, education and social care and the armed forces. I would also like to recognise the service of those who provide important lifelines through the provision of food and fuel, as well as those who give generously of their time to volunteer to help others in need.

Key Stage 3 pupils at Deer Park have been baking Jubilee themed goodies this week:

jubilee baking

jubilee baking

jubilee baking

jubilee baking

jubilee baking

jubilee baking

As I prepare for a change in role to that of Chief Executive of The Corinium Education Trust in September 2022, after a career in teaching which spans 37 years, including my 19 years as Headteacher of Cirencester Deer Park School, I am grateful to all members of staff who have contributed to the improving the learning and life chances of our pupils. I am also pleased to see the progress that colleagues make in their careers too.

At the end of next term, Thursday 21 July, we will say goodbye to several members of staff who are moving onto new roles. This includes 3 members of our Science Faculty, Mr Lally, Miss Clark and Mrs George. However, in September the team will welcome back two experienced teachers who previously taught at Deer Park, Mrs Sarna and Miss Creed-Miles.

Next term all pupils at Cirencester Deer Park School move up a year and we begin a new timetable. This helps us maintain the rhythm and momentum of learning. If your child is in Year 7, please read Year 7 into Year 8. Our Class of 2022 will continue with their GCSEs, until we celebrate with them at their Leavers’ Ball on Friday 1 July. We are also looking forward to welcoming pupils who are joining us in Year 7 in September on their Induction Days on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 July and prospective parents and their children at our Year 5 Open Mornings.

Staff return to school on Monday 6 June for an in-service training day and we look forward to welcoming our pupils back on Tuesday 7 June.