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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 9 Celebration 2022

Celebrating with our Year 9s in May 2022

On Wednesday 4 May 2022, it was fantastic to welcome Year 9 pupils and their parents to our Key Stage 3 Celebration of Achievement Evening in the Main Hall, having had to host this annual event virtually in 2020 and 2021.

Pupils had been nominated in three categories of Attainment, Effort and Improvement by each faculty. Our Year 9s had been advised of the nominations in advance and waited in anticipation on the night for the winners to be announced. To have been nominated was, in itself, a massive achievement. 80% of the year group were nominated for either a faculty or extra-curricular award, with 40% winning an award.

Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head, commented 'The atmosphere in our Main Hall for our Year 9 Celebration of Achievement event was one of the best I have experienced - and I have hosted many of these events over the years! Pupils and parents were very supportive of all nominees, with continuous applause throughout the evening.'

Heads of Faculty reflected on the work and effort pupils had achieved and recognised the exceptional circumstances and resilience that pupils have shown over the past two years.

We also recognised pupils for their efforts and contributions to extra curricular activities in both Expressive Arts and PE. Further awards were presented for 'Attendance', 'Progress & Achievement', 'Overall Effort, Attainment and Improvement' and 'Excellence', plus the 'Headteacher's Award for Most Progress'. The 'Headteacher's Award for Outstanding Achievement' went to two individuals who have demonstrated an exceptional high level of achievement across the curriculum and all areas: Eleni A and Will F.

Congratulations to all our winners.

The evening marked the closure of one chapter but the beginning of another, as this year group will move into Year 10 and Key Stage 4 on Tuesday 7 June after the half term break. Mrs. Lang, Deputy Head, spoke about the start of Key Stage 4 and the opportunities available over the next two years.

Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head: 'I am grateful to our Chair of the local governing body, Adrian Danks, who was in attendance to congratulate the winners and to provide a vote of thanks to parents and pupils for all their hard work. I hope that as Year 9 move into Key Stage 4, they take up the challenge and I look forward to seeing how they progress.'

It was lovely to welcome Year 9 parents and our pupils back into school for our annual Key Stage 3 of Achievement. I am very proud of the progress so many have made. Listening to our Heads of Faculty reflect, it was clear that strong foundations have been laid and members of our ‘Class of 2024’ have welcomed support and embraced challenges. The resilience many of our pupils have gained through periods of lockdown over the last two years has definitely prepared them well for independent learning in Key Stage 4. I admire their tenacity and wish them every success in the future.

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher