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Cirencester Deer Park School

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New Headteacher Appointed

From 1 September 2022 we will have a new Headteacher

We are delighted to share the news with you that, following intensive interviews with four candidates on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 April 2022, we have appointed Richard Clutterbuck as Headteacher from 1 September 2022.

The rigorous selection process involved members of the school’s local governing body, staff and pupils. To familiarise them with the school and to help us get to know them, each candidate completed eleven different activities. These enabled them to share their visions for the school and demonstrate their qualities as school leaders. It was a reciprocal process: the candidates had the opportunity to ask questions and make observations while we were able to quiz them and evaluate their effectiveness. Each candidate impressed in one or more area and they were all very complimentary about the school. They commented specifically on the welcome they received, the positive energy within the school, the commitment and loyalty of staff and pupils to our core values.

Having been Headteacher for 19 years, it will be hard to hand over the reins to someone else. However, it is very evident that Richard Clutterbuck shares the school’s values and has the support of a strong team. I am confident that he will continue to take the school forward and improve the outcomes for all of our young people.

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher

Richard Clutterbuck has been working temporarily at Deer Park since September 2020. He initially joined the school’s Strategic Leadership Team to give us some additional capacity, having initially been engaged as an Educational Consultant by the Corinium Education Trust in 2019. Prior to joining us Richard Clutterbuck was Headteacher at two schools in Bristol. He has also provided consultant school improvement support for Academies Enterprise Trust, principally Tamworth Enterprise College and Greenwood Academy, and he is very familiar with working within a multi-academy trust.

I am truly honoured to be the new Headteacher of Cirencester Deer Park School from September. Whilst I have previously been headteacher of two schools and have enjoyed the experience of leading both, it is Deer Park which has truly got under my skin. It is a humbling experience to lead any school but the ambition and care which is evident here from the pupils, staff, parents and governors is something which has struck a cord with me both personally and professionally. Equally, being part of a growing Multi-Academy Trust is an exciting time for Deer Park and I look forward to working with Chiquita Henson in her role as Chief Executive to help all of the young people in Deer Park and the wider community be the best they can be every day.

Richard Clutterbuck, Deputy Headteacher

There is no doubt that Richard Clutterbuck is invested in the school, both as a member of staff and parent. During his time with us, he has embraced the school’s ethos, become a visible and proactive presence and established himself as a leader. He has supported staff and school events and provided inspiration and challenge. He is fully focused on our core purpose, teaching and learning. Most recently, he has been working effectively with the school’s leadership team and our Heads of Faculty to review our curriculum and more widely with teachers to develop pedagogy and practice.

Over the remainder of this academic year, Richard Clutterbuck and I will work closely together to achieve a smooth transition. I am looking forward working with him in my continuing role as Chief Executive of The Corinium Education Trust. 

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher