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Cirencester Deer Park School

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PE RoundUP (April 22)

Winter sports at Deer Park

This term we have had another action-packed and fun-filled range of sport and PE activities at Cirencester Deer Park School!

In PE lessons, pupils have completed their Winter sports activities - Gymnastics, Hockey, Football, Health Related Exercise, Badminton, Volleyball or Trampolining, depending on their year group and set. Our pupils have shown a committed approach to learning, combined with excellent enthusiasm. In the last week of term we commenced Summer sports activities - Athletics, Cricket and Rounders. Pupils made an excellent start to the Summer programme and the PE Faculty is excited to see how this continues after Easter.

In the penultimate week of term, our PE Faculty held Sports Assemblies focusing on charity sports challenges and Sports Colours for each of our five year groups. Pupils were initially informed about three inspirational challenges: The Red Nose and Spoon Race across the Lake District completed by Owain Wyn Evans and Angellica Bell, an Extra Mile 101mile marathon completed by Kevin Sinfield and an epic Rowing Home challenge completed by Jordan North. Sport can be a great way to help people all around the world!

The assembly finished with the presentation of Winter Sports Colours relating to Netball, Rugby Union, Football, Hockey, Badminton, Basketball and Cross Country. It was great to be able to see so many pupils pick up awards on the stage of the Main Hall. If you missed out this time, we will be having Summer sports colours later this school year.

During this term we have also had a great extracurricular programme of activities. Pupils have been able to attend and represent the school in fixtures for Football and Hockey. It has great to be able to see so many pupils attend training sessions for these sports and we have had many successes with fixtures.

The Football season finished well with our Year 8 and Year 10 Boys' Football teams progressing to semi-finals and our Year 7 team making it to the District final. Ours U14 and U16 Girls' Football teams also did really well in the District tournaments at Rednock School.

Year 7 football team
Year 7 Boys' Football Team
U14 Girls Football
U14 Girls' Football Team

This year after periods away due to COVID, the Hockey season has consisted of friendlies against local schools within the area to encourage pupils to return to sport. Both the Girls and Boys fixtures have gone really well, with our pupils demonstrating committed performances, combined with admirable skills and techniques.

This term we held two mixed Key Stage 3 Inter Tutor Group Tournaments - Football in February and Hockey in the last week of term. There were a lot of competitive games. The players should all be congratulated on their resilience, determination and show of team spirit. Our thanks to our Games Captains, who were outstanding.

Inter Tutor Group Football Results

Year 7: 1st 7DO 2nd 7TU 3rd 7JE
Year 8: 1st 8JE 2nd 8FR 3rd 8DU
Year 9: 1st 9NI 2nd 9LI 3rd 9FR

Inter Tutor Group Football Results

Year 7: 1st 7TU 2nd 7JE 3rd 7FR
Year 8: 1st 8JE 2nd 8LI 3rd 8DU
Year 9: 1st 9NI 2nd 9FR 3rd 9LI

We have also had a fun packed term of Primary Sport events. This has included a primary Netball tournament, a Gymnastics festival which included the help of Cotswold Gym Club who brought with them their inflatable track to help train primary pupils, and a SEND Boccia event. All three events ran smoothly due to the help of our fantastic Young Sports Leaders who continue to show great leadership, organisation and enthusiasm in their roles. Next term we have the following events: Year 1 & 2 Multi Skills and Years 1-6 hip hop/ street dance.

After the Easter break, we look forward to seeing pupils attending our extracurricular clubs in large numbers! PE Clubs start week commencing Tuesday 3 May.

  • Tuesdays: Rounders and Tennis
  • Wednesdays: Athletics
  • Thursdays: Cricket.