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Cirencester Deer Park School

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What is 'good' attendance?

Our expectation is that pupils attend school 100% of the time, whilst recognising that, at times, pupils may be ill or unable to attend school for other valid reasons. Of the 365 days in a year, 190 are school days, leaving 175 as non-school days.

At Deer Park we consider 'good' attendance to be at or above 96%.

As you can see in this Gloucestershire County Council image, 95% attendance is 10 days out of school.

If you achieved 90% in a test, it is likely that you would be more than happy, but attendance is a different matter. 90% attendance is the equivalent of missing one half day each week or 20 days or 4 weeks in an academic year. If this continued over the 5 years of 11-16 education, this is the equivalent of missing half a school year, which is obviously likely to have an impact on a pupil's education.

attendance 190 school days

As we write this during March 2022, we are seeing increasing numbers of pupils testing positive for Covid-19 (as is the case across the country) who are then self-isolating at home. Pupils who are self-isolating should, if they are well enough to do so, endeavour to access work remotely via Show My Homework or MS Teams. 

The majority of our pupils have attendance of 96% or above which gives each of them a great start to their future.

The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on pupils' attendance above what we would consider 'normal' and we remind all parents about the importance of good or (preferably) excellent attendance.

Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head, spoke to all pupils in assemblies during week commencing 7 March 2022 about the importance of good school attendance.

Good attendance at school gives you the opportunity to: 

attendance positives

We recognise that achieving at least 96% attendance has been difficult for some to achieve in recent times, but we hope that, rising cases of coronavirus notwithstanding, every pupil will be striving to achieve attendance of at least 96% as we move forward. We encourage our pupils 'to be the best we can be'.

If your child is off ill, please either call the school on 01285 653447, or email to advise of their absence and the reason. If you would like to talk with a member of staff regarding any attendance issues, please contact our Attendance Officer Miss Johnson in the first instance.  


On Friday 11 March 2022 we recognised the achievement of over 600 pupils who had achieved 100% attendance since the half term break - they each received a sweet treat. On Friday 25 March we will be recognising 100% attendance for the preceding fortnight and the same on the last day of this term, Friday 8 April, for the preceding two weeks.

sweet treat


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