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Cirencester Deer Park School

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GCSE Geography Fieldtrip

Year 11 Geographers collecting data in Bristol

As part of their coursework our GCSE Geography pupils are required to carry out geography fieldwork in contrasting environments. Visiting an urban environment, in our case Bristol, enables them to gather data, including pedestrian and traffic counts, decibel readings, land use mapping and questionnaires.

On Monday 14 March 2022 77 Year 11 pupils spent a sunny early Spring day in the historic city of Bristol. Miss Bluett, Geography teacher and trip leader, was very excited to lead our first Geography field trip in nearly 2 years and commented: 'We fitted a lot into the day and pupils worked hard to collect a range of data on urban environments. As always I was impressed by our pupils' enthusiasm and energy and very pleased to hear them making links to their prior learning throughout the day.'

'Cabot Park was a nice place to stop. I enjoyed seeing the tower and completing the field sketch here.' Nel

'I enjoyed being out in the sunshine and finding out more about the city of Bristol.' Charlie

y11 geography fieldtrip

'I enjoyed walking through St Nicholas Market and seeing all the different foods from other cultures. I particularly liked the free samples!' Andrew

y11 geography fieldtrip

Y11 geography field trip