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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Community Theatre

Twenty expressive pupils in new Years 8 to 11 at Cirencester Deer Park School spent Enrichment Week (4-8 July) working on a theatre performance for Powell's Primary School.


The Community Theatre activities included preparing and using questionnaires for the primary pupils, in order to find out what they were interested in. Our pupils worked with a professional director from Prime (previously Sixth Sense) Theatre in Swindon, who are committed to promoting access to and participation in theatre for, by and with young people. Pupils spent time devising and rehearsing the performance, which took place at Deer Park on Friday 8 July and was followed by joint workshop work for the Powell's pupils.

community theatre - enrichment week 2016

community theatre - enrichment week 2016
community theatre - enrichment week 2016

Our pupils experienced a very close simulation of working in a theatre-in-education company and were expected to show initiative and responsibility as well as creativity. The project was a resounding success for all concerned.


"I loved Community Theatre because it was fun to work with primary school children. It helped me with my confidence. It was very good to have to meet deadlines and be treated professionally." Ashleigh

"I enjoyed doing Community Theatre because it was great working with people I would never have work with and I enjoyed working with the primary school children." Bex 


Maisie, who chose this option for her Year 10 Work Experience said that it gave her a lot of insight into how theatre is created and shaped, and that it would be of great benefit towards her further education in the dramatic arts.