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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 9 Options 2022

Live online presentation for Year 9 parents and pupils

The start of 2022 is an important time for Year 9 pupils and their parents as pupils work out which subjects they would like to study at GCSE, alongside the core subjects of English, Maths and Science.

On Wednesday 19 January our Year 9s had a virtual assembly focusing on their Options and they were given a physical copy of the 'Choices at 14' booklet (see below) which outlines all the courses. We recommend reading this booklet before the Key Stage 4 Curriculum Evening which will explain the process of choosing their options.

year 9 options

On Thursday 20 January 2022 our Year 9 pupils and parents are invited to our Key Stage 4 Curriculum Evening. This year the event will be a live presentation in MS Teams - which you can access via the app or via a web browser - and will start at 6pm. We encourage all our Year 9 parents and pupils to watch.

Go to the live presentation...

ms teams

Our Year 9 Online Parents' Evening will take place on Thursday 3 February. There will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their subject teachers and ask any further questions about Key Stage 4 courses. This is an important part of making informed decisions about their Choices at 14.

Additional information for pupils will be available on MS Teams.