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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Mock GCSE Results 2022

Year 11 receive their Mock GCSE results

Each year, in January following their Mock GCSE Exams in the previous November/December, we hold a special assembly for our Year 11s. After this they are given the opportunity to collect their Mock GCSE Results in the company of their peers, just as they will in the Summer.

On Friday 7 January 2022 we adapted our plans to enable this event to take place in line with the current COVID restrictions. The final lesson of the day for our Year 11 pupils was replaced by a virtual assembly in their classrooms, and was then followed by each Year 11 class moving to the Main Hall to collect their Mock GCSE results.

The virtual assembly was presented by Ms Henson, Mr Bellamy, Mr Clutterbuck and Miss Brace and was an opportunity for members of our School’s Leadership Team to convey key messages to our Year 11s. The team reviewed and commended behaviours and attitudes and highlighted key learning points arising from these practice exams such as the need to read questions and check your answers carefully. Pupils were also reminded about the potential consequences of malpractice and of the gains they can make in their remaining time in Year 11. This was supported by the team’s evaluation of the progress made between the mock exams and their final assessments by previous year groups.

While we missed having the whole year group together, it was evident that most pupils in our Class of 2022 were keen to collect their mock exam results and the tension was palpable as they entered the Hall. Many were clearly relieved to learn that they are definitely on track and others, although disappointed, were able to identify and articulate the next steps they need to take. We hope they will all build on these foundations and that they will all continue to challenge themselves going forward.

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher

The most important message is that, regardless of their mock results, each pupil has the opportunity to make progress, some of which will be significant, depending on individuals' mindset. Mr Clutterbuck, Deputy Head, talked about how pupils can utilise the time left prior to their summer exams. For example, as a minimum, if pupils focus on two subjects a day for a minimum of 30 minutes each per day, there are as little as 14 hours per subject left to revise and cover every topic, with only 18 school weeks left. Pupils need to use every minute of every lesson by being fully engaged, as well as using time in the evenings and at weekends.

Following the assembly, pupils were escorted to the Main Hall where they received their Mock GCSE results.

'I watched as some pupils were visibly shaking in either anticipation, worry or excitement.' Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head

On the whole, the results were well received. Our thanks to staff for all their hard work in turning around the awarding of grades.

'Pretty happy, especially with Science. I did better than I thought.'
'Good. It means that I can do the College course that I want to.'

gcse mock results 2022 montage