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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Lateral Flow Testing (Sept 21)

Secondary school pupils offered two lateral flow tests on their return to school.

As mentioned in our Arrangements for Return to School, all secondary school pupils are to be offered two lateral flow tests on their return to school in September 2021.

School opens to all pupils on Monday 6 September 2021 and prior to this we will be re-opening our onsite COVID Test Centre in Monkscroft to ensure that all pupils for whom we have consent can have two COVID tests, 3-5 days apart, at the beginning of the new school year. Parents/carers should receive an email with details.

The first test can be booked, through our Online Parents’ Evening Booking System (below), as an appointment on either Thursday 2 or Friday 3 September 2021 i.e. before term starts. The booking system will open at 7pm on Wednesday 25 August

>> Go to Online Parents' Evening Booking System

We are using the Online Parents’ Evening Booking System as a means of managing the flow of people through the onsite testing centre. When you log on to the Parents’ Evening Booking System, you will see a selection of staff names to book with - these names are just there to put the number of slots into each year group (they don’t mean anything in terms of who will do the test with your child, so please ignore who the names actually are). Please book a 5 minute test slot with one of the names on either Thursday 2 or Friday 3 September.

Pupils can go home once they have undertaken their first LFD test. Once we have uploaded the results, the national system should send out a text alert with the result to the mobile number provided on the consent form. The national system that schools are using to register all the tests has changed since March and now we put all information including the results onto the same spreadsheet and upload each day once all the tests for that day have been completed. This means that there will be a time delay between having the test, it being processed and the results being sent in to the national system for it to notify you. If your child was positive, a member of staff would contact you to notify you rather than wait for the administration process to go through. So if you don’t hear from us after your child’s test, then they are negative.

Pupils' second supervised test will take place in school during the week beginning Monday 6 September and there is no need to book as this will be done during the school day.

Thereafter, pupils will be asked to continue to self-test at home twice a week until the end of September when the practice will be reviewed by the Government. We have ordered the home test kits required for this and await delivery.  Once we have the home tests kits, we will distribute to the pupils.