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Cirencester Deer Park School

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End of Summer Term 2021

End of term message from Headteacher Ms Henson

As we prepare to close for the summer holiday I would like to express my thanks to our pupils and staff who have been tremendous this year. We have all had to learn to live with uncertainty and everyone has done their very best to keep going. Colleagues have demonstrated their tenacity, shown resilience and been incredibly creative and our pupils have responded positively and maintained their curiosity and shown commitment to learning.

This week we were very pleased to be able to reward many of our pupils for their endeavours. We recognise some pupils missed out as a result of being asked to self-isolate and we appreciate the decisions some parents made in withdrawing their children from these trips because of the proximity to family holidays. We are all looking forward to being able to do even more for our pupils next year.

On Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 July 2021, pupils in our (new) Year 10 and Year 11 delighted in the thrills at Thorpe Park. Commendably, many pupils were able to squeeze in over 6 different rides, but accompanying staff reported ‘Tidal Wave’ was one of the most popular because of the refreshing big splash!  

y11 thorpe park

'The new Year 10 pupils had a whale of a time at Thorpe Park. They quickly established the ‘scariest’ rides and went to trial them all! The pupils were a credit to the school and were great fun to spend the day with. By the end of it we were all very hot and tired, but with some fun stories to share.' Mrs Lang, Deputy Head

'What a fantastic day! The pupils were very well behaved throughout the day and showed great resilience in the scorching heat. All the staff were impressed at their polite and punctual nature throughout the trip, and it was great to see them let off some steam!' Mr Ferne, Head of Humanities

y11 thorpe park

'Thorpe Park was really fun! I suggest you go and enjoy it as well!' Max (new Year 11)

'It was very fun! A brilliant experience. I especially liked Tidal Wave on hot day! Livy  (new Year 11)

'A great day! Tidal Wave really cooled me down and I made the most of the experience!' - Sean  (new Year 11)

'Thorpe Park was such an amazing experience. My friends and I were all nervous to go on the big rides, but we overcame our fears and loved it! Despite the hot weather we all managed to get the best out of the day and cooled off on Tidal Wave!' Beth (new Year 11)

'I would like to extend my thanks to all staff who took the Year 11s to Thorpe Park. My son, had the most wonderful time and has been full of stories since he got back. It was lovely for them to spend time with friends, just having fun together. I would also like to thank the school for continuing with the trip, despite the difficulties faced in school currently. It has certainly been a huge year for all teachers to face and thank you to you and all your staff in school for getting through this most challenging of years, yet still continuing to deliver first class lessons to pupils. It has been most appreciated.' Parent, (new) Year 11

Those in our (new) Year 8 and 9 enjoyed their excursions to West Midland Safari Park. Year 8s did the safari first before entering the park, while Year 9s did the park first and then the safari. The baby rhinos were much adored, the big cats slumbered in the sweltering sun and the giraffes cheekily entertained! Pupils, in both year groups on their first enrichment trips at Deer Park, enjoyed the independence they were given inside the park and most headed directly for the rides. Staff maintained an active presence and took part in the fun too.

Y8 trip

Y8 trip

y9 trip

Y8 trip

y9 trip

y9 trip

‘It was a sheer delight to join many of our new Year 9 pupils on their reward trip to West Midland Safari Park and share in their joy. Their enthusiasm was infectious and, in the hot weather, who could resist the cooling dousing provided by the log flume!’ Chiquita Henson, Head.

'After an extraordinarily challenging 16 months, it was fantastic to see the pupils truly able to enjoy themselves as children once more!' Mr Reed, Assistant Pastoral Team Leader

'It was lovely to see our Year 9 pupils enjoying their first enrichment trip with us since joining Deer Park. The rides at West Midland Safari Park were very popular with the log flume being a firm favourite for both pupils and staff in the heat. On the drive through safari everyone thought the rhino bathing in a muddy pool had the right idea about how to stay cool! The pupils were polite and prompt for meeting times and did themselves and us very proud.'  Miss Bluett, Geography Teacher

Not to be out done, pupils remaining in Cirencester also had the opportunity to do something different. Those pupils in Years 8 and 9 participated in Woodland crafts. They learnt how to build dens, make camp fires and cook sausages. The shade was greatly appreciated!

y9 woodland experience

y9 woodland experience

y9 woodland experience

y9 woodland experience

y9 woodland experience

y9 woodland experience

'Building fires, whittling sticks, cooking sausages on a woodland fire... what could be better? Once again we were able to take a small group of pupils to enjoy woodland crafts and cooking in the beautiful woods that surround the school.'  Mrs Hannis, Senior Year Leader

Pupils in Years 10 and 11 rose to the physical challenges presented to them. These included ‘Capture the Flag’ and giant inflatable table football, as well as a BBQ before going to the outdoor pool – welcome respite from the intense heat!  

y10 capture the flag

y10 in school

y11 in school

y10 in school

'The Year 11 pupils who remained at school were a credit to themselves. With the amazing sunshine, in the morning pupils took part in capture the flag and inflatable human table football, bouncing off the barriers. They enjoyed the BBQ cooked for them, some even came for seconds! Following the BBQ, pupils went to the outdoor pool where they enjoyed a splash and swim to finish off the day.'  Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head

y10 capture the flag

y11 in school

y10 in school

Year 10 in school

'What a wonderful way to spend a Monday afternoon, glorious sunshine at the Cirencester outdoor pool with the stunning backdrop of the castle. I accompanied 13 Year 10 pupils who could not wait to take the plunge. I felt envious of the fun they were having, diving in and out of the crystal clear water - if it hadn't been my fear of becoming an overnight TikTok star, I would have ventured in! However, it was great to paddle and chat to the pupils outside of the classroom.' Miss Hope, Head of Ethics and IT 

On the afternoon of Wednesday 21 July, Deer Park rocked to the music of the staff band who opened and closed our Party in the Park which was live streamed to all tutor rooms and to those at home self-isolating! Who would have thought at the beginning of the month with so much rain that we would have to activate our contingency for a different kind of extreme weather. Sandwiched between our staff band were pupils’ performances from our recent Young Singer and Picnic in the Park events. Everyone coped well with the change in venue and our young voices could be heard reverberating around the school!

party in EA1

party in EA1

party in EA1

party in EA1

party in EA1

party in ea1

party in EA1

party in EA1

party in EA1

One of our parents commented during the last week of term: 'Please pass on our gratitude and best wishes to all of the teaching staff, support staff, cleaning staff and school leaders who have worked so hard to provide a safe and inspirational learning environment for our young people.  We really appreciate your hard work and dedication. Thank you!'

I hope that you will all be able to enjoy whatever you have been able to plan this summer.

The school term is scheduled to begin on Monday 6 September 2021, following two in-service training days for staff on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 September. As in March after the period of lockdown, schools are being asked to offer all secondary school pupils two lateral flow tests on their return to school in September. We will confirm the arrangements for these.

Please continue to check our website for news over the summer.

For September we plan to continue to encourage good hand hygiene and maintain our one way systems and staggered breaks and lunch times.