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Collecting GCSE Results

GCSE Results Day: Thursday 12 August 2021

We invite pupils in our Class of 2021 to come into school on Thursday 12 August 2021 from 9.15am to collect their GCSE results.  We are looking forward to sharing these with them and celebrating their achievements.

In order to minimise the number of pupils’ gathering at any one time, we will be issuing the results to pupils at the front of school, weather permitting, where we can do so allowing more space between individuals.  Alternative arrangements will be made if it is wet.

To help us maintain appropriate social distancing, we politely request that any family or friends who have accompanied pupils to school please remain in the car or away from where results are being issued.

We have ensured that we have a personal email address for every Class of 2021 pupil so that we can email the results out to pupils should the Covid situation worsen and increased measures are reimposed. If a pupil is showing symptoms of Covid, they should not collect their results in person.  If a pupil is self-isolating, they should not collect their results in person.  If a pupil cannot come into school on 12 August to collect their own results, please advise us beforehand so we can arrange to email them to a pupil’s personal email address.  We are unable to pass GCSE results to family members or friends without consent from the individual.

Deputy Head, Mrs Lang: 'I am looking forward to celebrating the GCSE results of our Class of 2021.  Many of them worked extremely hard throughout some very challenging circumstances and they prepared very well for their formal assessments in March and May. We hope they see their efforts and performance reflected in the GCSE grades awarded.'


Teacher Assessed Grades

As you will be aware, owing to the cancellation of all GCSE examinations this summer, schools were asked to award Teacher Assessed Grades for each pupil based on evidence from pupil work.  Consequently, our teachers’ assessments were based on what our Year 11 pupils had been taught and they assessed the standard at which they were performing. Our judgements were based on a range of evidence relating to the subject content that our teachers delivered. To ensure our pupils were able to achieve their very best, we gave them the opportunity to sit two rounds of formal assessments. These, and any other agreed evidence of pupils’ own work, have been subject to a rigorous process of moderation and standardisation (both internally in school and externally by awarding exam boards).

The government have indicated that they are keen to ensure that the grades awarded to pupils this year have the same status as in previous years so that when they are used in the future, in university or job applications, they will be considered to be of the same value. 



There are some Frequently Asked Questions below, which include details about how to appeal should you wish to.  Pupils will also have the opportunity to ‘re-sit’ any exams where they are unhappy with the outcome in the autumn where every subject will be available to pupils who were entered originally for the June exam series 2021.


Class of 2021 Celebration of Achievement

Our Celebration of Achievement Evening is on Thursday 4 November 2021.  We hope that this event will be ‘in person’ however we will have to confirm plans for the evening nearer to the event, depending on any restrictions that may be in place at this time. At the end of the evening pupils will be able to collect their GCSE certificates too. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of the year group.


We look forward to seeing our Class of 2021 pupils from 9.15am on Thursday 12 August. (New) Year 11 results will be available from 10.15am.