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Cirencester Deer Park School

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ReWard Trips Update

Message from Headteacher Ms Henson

Following the two confirmed cases of COVID-19 that we have had in school week ending Friday 16 July 2021 and the small number of family-based cases, I advise you that we have reviewed our risk assessments for our reward trips and in-school activities next week and considered the potential impacts that they may have on the start of the school’s summer holiday.

I confirm that following this review and the measures we feel we can put in place to mitigate risk, we plan to continue with our reward trips and in-school activities on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 July 2021. This decision has been taken with both our pupils’ wellbeing and safety in mind. After an especially challenging year, they are special events that many of our pupils have been looking forward to. However, to minimise the risk of further transmission and provide assurances, we are putting additional safety measures in place and, to enable us to do this, we would be very grateful for you and your son/daughter’s cooperation.

Please advise us by emailing if your child is unwell on the day so unable to attend the trip or take part in the in-school activities, or, if you decide to withdraw your child from their reward trip, so that we do not delay the departure of the coach or start of the activities on site by waiting for them. Pupils not going on their year group trip should attend school and will be able to take part in the in-school programme for their year group. Pupils should not attend if they have any COVID-19 symptoms, a positive test or have been asked to self-isolate.



Pupils will be bringing home a letter on Friday 16 July 2021 clearly setting out our expectations for these trips.

  1. We would like all pupils for whom we know consent has been given to undertake a lateral flow device test the night before their trip is due to depart:
    - Year 8 and Year 10 on Sunday night
    - Year 9 and Year 11 on Monday night.

    If positive, we ask that they stay at home.

    If negative, the result should be shown to a member of trip staff before they board the coach.

    Pupils who are willing to test, for whom consent isn’t held, have been given a test kit to take home. Testing prior to participating in an event is in line with national guidance and the practices currently adopted by major venues. Register test result here.
  2. All pupils will be expected to wear face coverings for the duration of the coach journey unless they are exempt. We ask that all pupils bring their own face coverings or wear their exemption lanyards. This is in line with the arrangements for public transport.
  3. We will encourage good hand hygiene and will have hand sanitiser on the coach. However, pupils should bring their own hand sanitiser and use it in between rides etc as well as washing their hands before eating.



Pupils in Year 8 and Year 9 will be taking part in a Woodland Craft Experience on Monday or Tuesday respectively. Their time will be spent both out in the open fields and in the woods - please ensure that they bring suncream, hat, hand sanitiser, water bottle, snacks and packed lunch. Trainers or walking boots are suitable footwear, sandals are not. We recommend a long sleeve top as an additional layer to wear in the woods and/or keep off the sun.

Pupils in Year 10 and Year 11 will be taking part in a number of fun activities at school on Monday or Tuesday respectively including Capture the Castle and Human Inflatable Table Football - the mind boggles! After lunch they will be off site taking part in another activity. Please ensure that they bring a face covering, suncream, hat, hand sanitiser, water bottle, snacks and packed lunch.


Thank you for your cooperation. As you will be aware from the national media, as a country we have an increased rate of COVID-19 transmission. We have seen more cases in our pupils as a result of community transmission impacting on the number of pupils needing to self-isolate. We are also in a position where nationally rules are changing from Monday 19 July and individuals are being asked to act responsibly with regards to their safety and the safety of others.

This has been a particularly tough call, but we feel strongly that our reward trips and activities on site should go ahead as planned. Both staff and pupils have been looking forward to doing something different and, with the extra precautions, we hope everyone will be able to have an enjoyable and safe day out.

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher