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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Another Confirmed case 2021

Confirmed coronavirus case in (new) Year 11; 18 pupils self-isolating

Unfortunately, following our (new) Year 11 Sports Morning on Thursday 15 July 2021, one pupil, who had competed in events, reported to our Welfare Assistant during lesson 4 that he was feeling unwell. Having reviewed his symptoms, the pupil was immediately isolated in the room we have set aside for just such an emergency. Our Welfare Assistant advised him to do a lateral flow test and while waiting on the result, our internal contact tracing began.  The pupils lateral flow test was positive.

With the pupil’s help initially, Miss Brace and Miss Charlesworth, Assistant Heads, cross-referenced this information with our seating plans and identified 16 pupils in our (new) Year 11 and one in Year 9 as close contacts. By the end of lesson 4, and just before their lunch break, these pupils were removed from their lessons. They were temporarily supervised by Mr Clutterbuck, Deputy Head, while members of our pastoral team contacted parents and arranged for them to be collected.

‘I am always impressed with the speed at which the system works and, from either notification of a positive case or positive lateral flow test in school, we can identify pupils and get them home quickly.  I am grateful to all staff, pupils and parents involved.  In our communication, speed is important and we do our best to share the facts as we understand them at the time of making these difficult decisions.’ Miss Brace, Assistant Head.

We are very grateful to parents for their understanding and prompt response. Within 60 minutes of this suspected case of COVID presenting with symptoms, the pupil concerned and all close contacts were identified and arrangements were made for them to go home. Most were collected within the hour.

Miss Brace directed the pupil who tested positive on a lateral flow test in school to our local test centre at the RAU for a confirmatory PCR test.

The pupils identified as close contacts have been asked to self-isolate for 10 days and we appreciate that this means they will miss out on their year group’s reward trips/activities and potentially impact on any holiday plans.

As you will be aware from the news, there is increased transmission of the virus across the country and, while we have asked 35 pupils to self-isolate who have been identified as close contacts in school (plus the 2 positive cases), a further 11 pupils are self-isolating as a consequence of community transmission. We appreciate parents contacting us to advise us of the actions they are taking within their families to minimise the risk of transmission.

Thank you.

We continue to monitor the health and wellbeing of our pupils and ask parents not to send pupils to school if they are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.

If a pupil has a positive result on a Lateral Flow Device, he/she is asked to have a confirmatory PCR test as soon as possible. If this confirmatory PCR test is negative, provided it was taken within 2 days of the positive LFD, it overrides the lateral flow test and close contacts can stop self-isolating.

We expect all pupils self-isolating, as a result of being identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive either in school or outside of school, to continue to follow their normal school day as closely as possible remotely. In line with our remote learning plan, teachers will be setting and assigning lesson material in MS Teams and in some circumstances, pupils may be invited to join some ‘live’ lessons.