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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 6 Induction Days FAQs

Practical information for Year 6 Induction Days

We are looking forward to meeting our new Year 7 (current Year 6) pupils on our Induction Days which take place as planned on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 July 2021. 

Schools have been issued with guidance from the Local Authority regarding Covid-19 safety measures related to induction events, and we have been working hard behind the scenes to review our plans to ensure everyone’s safety. Parents have been sent information outlining the safety measures we have put in place - parents and their children are asked to read this information carefully and adhere to our safety measures. 

Whilst some schools have scaled back or cancelled their induction days, we feel they form a vital part of the transition from primary school to secondary school and to aid their wellbeing and prepare them for starting secondary school in September, our new Year 7 pupils need to join us for as rich an experience as we can give them after an incredibly difficult 16 months which has caused significant disruption to their education.

Our Tutors, Teachers and Pastoral Staff will be on hand to support all pupils through the transition to secondary school, settling in and with making new friends.

Year 6 parent: 'I’m delighted to hear that you are going ahead with the induction days, it’s such an important ‘taster’ for the children, showing how much care you put in to this transition. I have confidence in your COVID safety approach having heard about how you have managed the year. Thank you.'



What time do the Induction Days start and finish?
Start Time is 9.30am prompt – however, to allow for a staggered arrival, pupils can arrive on site between 8.40am and 9.20am to ensure a steady flow of pupils to register ahead of the 9.30am start. They will be directed to the building where they will all be based for the day and where their Tutors will be on hand to meet them. Finish Time is 3.10pm – earlier than our usual finish time to allow for a staggered departure, depending on how pupils are getting home.

Where do we drop off and pick up?
If pupils are coming to school by car, please use the drop-off point at the rear of the school, accessed via the playing fields entrance. There will be signing-in desks and parents are asked not to go beyond this point. Pupils who are walking to school should access the site via the joint entrance with Cirencester College and walk up the path on the front driveway. Staff will direct pupils to where they need to go. Buses will drop off on the cobbles at the front of the school or in the lay-by at the top of Tetbury Hill.

Pupils going home by car should go to the rear car park. If pupils are walking home, they can leave the site promptly to walk home with friends, or wait for older siblings. Buses will depart at the usual times, so pupils will have to wait for these if they are using them.

What should pupils wear?
Pupils should wear their primary school uniform on both Induction Days with trainers, so they are able to take part in a PE lesson without changing. 

What happens about break/lunch?
We will be providing all new Year 7 pupils with a hot school dinner on both Induction Days, which will be offered free of charge on both days, although pupils are welcome to bring a packed lunch if they prefer. All pupils will need to bring a filled water bottle and snack(s) for breaktime as our canteen is ‘cashless’ and there will be no opportunity to buy food or drink in school during our Induction Days. 

What do pupils need to bring?
Pupils should bring a small named bag to hold their face covering, filled water bottle, snacks, packed lunch (if they are not having hot school dinner), plus pens and coloured pencils/felt tips to use in lessons.

What will we be doing during the Induction Days?
Pupils will spend both days in a Tutor Group/Year Group bubble and will have the opportunity to spend time with their Tutor and Tutor Group, go for a guided outdoor tour of the school and experience a variety of lessons. 

Is the Induction Evening taking place?
Regrettably our Induction Evening, originally planned for Thursday 8 July, will not go ahead. Instead, we will schedule an opportunity for parents to meet their child's tutor in September.

What Covid safety measures have you put in place for the Year 6 pupils?

  • Any Year 6 pupil who has any of the COVID-19 symptoms, is awaiting a COVID-19 test result, has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days, or has been asked to self-isolate as a close contact of a confirmed case, SHOULD NOT attend our Induction Days. Please email if your child is unable to attend.
  • If you have access to Lateral Flow Device tests, parents are encouraged to complete a lateral flow test on their Year 6 child on the evening of Wednesday 7 July, ahead of our Induction Days, and again on Sunday 11 July, after our Induction Days, and act on the results accordingly.
  • Pupils will be based in a contained separate area of the school, away from the main buildings and pupils in other year groups, for the majority of their lessons across our two Induction Days. This will reduce movement and minimise contacts. We will have a fixed seating plan for each tutor group and most pupils will be sitting at single desks to aid track and trace should it be necessary.
  • Classrooms will all be well ventilated.
  • Pupils will be asked to wash their hands, on arrival in school and frequently during the day at the outdoor sinks available outside their base. Hand sanitiser and wipes will be available in all classrooms.
  • Pupils are asked to bring a face covering which should be worn in all indoor areas, including classrooms, over the course of our two Induction Days. Pupils in other year groups and staff will be wearing face coverings too.
  • Pupils will have their morning break and lunch at a separate time to all other pupils in the school on both days.

Is there an opportunity to buy Second Hand Uniform?
The Friends of Deer Park will be holding a second hand uniform sale outside Reception at the front of the school for new Year 7 parents between 5.00pm and 5.30pm on Tuesday 13 July.  Our school uniform is also available to purchase from D&J Sports, physically from their shop in Cirencester or by ordering online.

What are the plans for September?
Term is currently due to start on Monday 6 September 2021. We will update parents in due course about arrangements for the start of term in September, as it is likely that further guidance for schools will be published based on the latest situation regarding Covid-19.