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Cirencester Deer Park School

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School SPort

National School Sport Week

From Monday 19 to Friday 25 June 2021 pupils at Cirencester Deer Park School have celebrated National School Sport Week!

After a year in which young people have missed out on so much and had their worlds turned upside down, sport and physical activity are playing an essential role in their recovery.

National School Sport Week 2021 has been celebrating the return of youth sport and its power to bring people back together with a week of school sports activities held up and down the country. The theme of this year’s campaign is Together Again.

Our PE Faculty continues to promote active engagement in sport and physical activity. During the lockdown period pupils did not have the opportunity to represent sports clubs and activity levels dropped. We want to encourage our pupils to join or restart their sports and physical activity participation whether in team or individual sports, a competitive capacity or as a social choice. In addition to the obvious physical benefits, people who are regularly active generally enjoy better mental wellbeing.

In National School Sport Week, we offer our pupils the opportunity to experience different and exciting sports and physical activities, such as Lacrosse, Kickball, Tchoukball, Golf and Handball.

Pupils have the chance to improve their mental, social and physical wellbeing as well as building key fitness components such as speed and endurance. Providing these new enriching opportunities enables our pupils to also develop key skills such as team work, resilience and respect.

national school sport week 2021

national school sport week 2021

national school sport week 2021

national school sport week 2021

national school sport week 2021

national school sport week 2021

national school sport week 2021

national school sport week 2021

national school sport week 2021

national school sport week 2021



Mr Cumming, Assistant Head of PE , commented "It has been great to see the return of National School Sport Week at Cirencester Deer Park School. In line with our COVID-19 safety protocols, I am so pleased that we have been able to offer a range of new, fun and exciting activities for our pupils to experience. I have seen so many smiling faces this week from pupils who have clearly enjoyed the opportunities offered to them.

Austin (new Year 9) 'I have really enjoyed taking part in National School Sport Week because I had the opportunity to participate in new sports. My favourite lesson was Handball because it combines skills from different sports.'

Tia (new Year 8) 'Doing kickball has been really fun because it is so different to rounders which we had been doing.'

Isla (new Year 8) 'National School Sport Week has been fun because we've been able to do unique sports that we don't usually get the opportunity to do.'

Coco (new Year 8) 'I've always wanted to try lacrosse but I've never been able to, so I'm glad that I've been able to give it a go in school PE this week.'