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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Class of 2021: Trip

Day trip for Class of 2021

On Friday 28 May 2021, pupils in our Class of 2021 had an early start: 148 pupils and 10 members of staff boarded 3 coaches at 8am and set off for an exhilarating day at Thorpe Park.

Planned as a reward and celebration after a particularly challenging 15 months during which time it had not been possible for us to organise our usual enrichment activities or end of school events, the day delivered the joy and thrills everyone had been anticipating.

Once we arrived the pupils were quick to disperse in smaller groups and, while queues were initially relatively short, many queued for 90 minutes or so for an adrenaline fuelled 30 seconds before doing it all over again.

Most pupils routinely checked in with staff throughout the day, with some keen to be accompanied by an adult. Teachers, especially Mr Cook and Mr Carmichael, both Year 11 tutors, were quick to oblige while Mrs Miller was content to mind everyone’s bags! Mrs Stubbs, Year 11 Year Leader, was well prepared for the water rides and sported a very fetching customised bin bag to keep her dry. Ms Henson, Headteacher, joined pupils on water rides and was even persuaded to go on the darkest of all rides, ‘The Walking Dead’.

class of 2021 thorpe park

class of 2021 thorpe park

class of 2021 thorpe park

class of 2021 thorpe park

Because we were at Thorpe Park from 10:30am to 5:00pm, most pupils were able to fit in 5 or more rides. Commendably, some pupils patiently queued for 2 hours for the most daring rides, ‘The Swarm’ and ‘Stealth’, but all concluded it was worth it! Others absolutely loved ‘Colossus’, ‘Saw’ and 'Nemesis Inferno’.

Thorpe Park provided differentiation too and met the needs of all of our pupils. Those who sought the big highs and great drops found them in the rollercoasters, while those wanting to make a big splash could do so in the ‘Rumba Rapids’, or on ‘Storm Surge’ and ‘Tidal Wave’. Others simply seeking something calmer, could enjoy the swing rides or rotating teacups or explore ‘Black Mirror Labyrinth’.


Thank you to everyone for the contributions you all made to making the day a great success. Our pupils’ behaviour was exemplary. They were really appreciative and thoroughly enjoyed their well-deserved adventures!

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher


‘A crazy day. A great way to spend our last day in Year 11.’ Hugh

‘An excellent way to end a weird year. Thank you.’ Alice

‘I loved today. If I had the opportunity I would do it all again.’ Tom

‘The best day out for a long time. I really enjoyed it.’ Ewan

‘A great day, full of adrenaline pumped kids!’ Eileen

‘I wish it would never end.’ Jacob

‘Great day, great company, Thank you.’ Mrs Stubbs, Year 11 Year Leader.

'Thanks to all the staff at Deer Park for the years our son has been with you. It is a wonderful school. Teachers and all the staff are second to none and we are very grateful we chose Deer Park 5 years ago.’ Class of 2021 Parent