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Cirencester Deer Park School

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What happens from 17 May 2021?

At Deer Park our own road map out of lockdown runs parallel to that of the Government.

From Monday 17 May 2021 pupils at Deer Park will no longer be expected to wear face coverings in school. Read more...

We are delighted that we are now able to arrange school trips such as our Year 11 Leavers’ day out to a large theme park.

As the further easing of lockdown is planned from June we are already thinking about further extra-curricular and enrichment activities. Please watch this space for more news.

As we prepare to say goodbye to and support our Class of 2021, we are also looking forward to being able to welcome current Year 6 (our new Year 7) pupils to their Induction Days on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 July 2021.

We are able to offer this two day experience to Year 6 because after half term we roll our timetable forward at the start of June and promote each year group. This means that from Tuesday 8 June 2021 pupils in our current Years 7-10 will follow new timetables and meet new teachers. More information about new timetables will follow closer to half term.

It is important that pupils and parents understand that with these transitions come certain differences. After half term, from Tuesday 8 June:

  • Pupils moving from Year 7 into Year 8 will be reorganised into new teaching groups. For some subjects they will be set by ability (for example, Maths and Languages), but others including English, History, and Geography will remain mixed ability groups;
  • Pupils currently in Year 7 and Year 8 will have a change of Year Leader;
  • Pupils moving from Year 9 into Year 10 will formally begin their GCSE courses;
  • Pupils in Year 10, as members of our new Year 11 will have an assessment week commencing Monday 28 June;
  • Pupils in our current Year 11 will be invited to participate in remote learning designed to support their progression;
  • The school day for all pupils will begin with a tutor period at 8:50 and the school day will end for all pupils at 15:25;
  • Pupils will no longer have year group home bases but will remain in their year group ‘bubbles’ at breaks and lunch times. Teachers will return to teaching in their faculty areas and pupils will move around the school following a new one way system.