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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Home Base Adjustments

Home base swap and some changes to lunchtimes

Our Year 11s (and some pupils in Year 10) start their second round of formal assessments on Monday 10 May, finishing on Friday 21 May 2021.

To provide the best environment for their formal assessments, pupils in Year 11 will once more swap home bases with Year 8 for two weeks - Year 8 will move to the English block and Year 11 move to Monkscroft. There will also be changes to Year 10 and Year 11 lunch times.


Year 7

No changes.


Year 8

The Year 8 home base will be moved from Monkscroft to English for the two week duration of the second Assessment Period (10-21 May). There will be room changes for most lessons. Subjects not taught in your home base - Drama, Music, PE, Art, Design, ICT and some Science - will remain outside your home base. You can see the room changes in the document below - this information will also be accessible in the English block.


Year 9

No changes.


Year 10

The majority of our Year 10s are taking the GCSE RP Short Course and the second assessment will be on Monday 17 May. Pupils taking GCSE Statistics will sit their two assessments on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 May.

Social spaces and break times remain the same but, with the exception of Thursday 20 and Friday 21 May (Early Lunch 12:30-1:00), all assessment period lunchtimes will change from Early (12:30-1:00) to Late Lunch (1:30-2:00).


Year 11

Year 11 are moving from English to Monkscroft; this will be their home base for the 10 days of Assessment Period 2, until the last assessments on Friday 21 May. Exam room lists will be displayed in Monkscroft so that pupils can see where they need to be. Lesson classrooms lists will be displayed in Monkscroft and are in the document below.

Social spaces and break times remain the same but, with the exception of Thursday 20 and Friday 21 May (Late Lunch 1:30-2:00), all assessment period lunchtimes will change from Late (1:30-2:00) to Early Lunch (12:30-1:00).