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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 11 Assessements

Centre assessed grades and two assessment periods

We have been very impressed by how well pupils in Year 11 have managed their return to school and we are encouraged by their results in their recent first set of assessments (March 2021). These assessments provide part of the evidence that will inform our centre assessed grades this year. There is more information about how we will be awarding grades this summer in our Centre Assessed Grade Policy which is closely aligned to the guidance we have received from Ofqual and reflects our professional integrity.

Our teachers’ assessments will be based on what our pupils have been taught and will assess the standard at which they are performing. Our judgements will be based on a range of evidence relating to the subject content that our teachers have delivered. Therefore, to ensure our pupils can achieve their very best, we have given our pupils the opportunity to sit two rounds of formal assessments. These, and any other agreed evidence of our pupils’ own work, have been, and will be, subject to a rigorous process of moderation and standardisation. Assessment papers are marked anonymously and no teacher will be responsible for awarding any grade independently.

On Friday 23 April pupils received their results from the first formal assessments in March 2021.

Our Year 11s are in a strong position (see Letter to Year 11 parents):

  • Our Heads of Faculty are confident that the content in the GCSE specifications for 2021 has been taught and time now allows for precisely targeted revision ahead of the next round of assessments in May;
  • The content in some GCSEs specifications for assessment in 2021 was reduced in some subjects by the exam boards in recognition of the impact on teaching time during the first period of lockdown (March-June 2020);
  • Our pupils in Year 11 have been well supported over the last two years. Mrs Stubbs, our Year 11 Year Leader has encouraged participation, checked pupils’ wellbeing and signposted additional support for those experiencing specific challenges;
  • Many have responded to the instruction and guidance they have received from their teachers and have been proactive in managing their own learning and revision. This is reflected in their use of online tools such as Kerboodle, MathsWatch and Seneca.
  • In March 2020, pupils who are now in Year 11 were the first to be offered and engage in live lessons in MS Teams and we supported their return to school by prioritising them for face to face teaching in June 2020;
  • When we have been open to all pupils during the pandemic, our Year 11 pupils’ average attendance in school has consistently been above local and national averages. With the exception of one period of 7 school days in November 2020 when we asked the whole year group to self-isolate following a confirmed case of COVID-19, they have had relatively little time out of school in comparison to other schools nationally. A smaller number of pupils had a further period of self-isolation in December. On each occasion pupils were able to engage in remote learning;
  • Our Year 11 pupils have consistently demonstrated high levels of engagement in remote learning during both periods of lockdown and self-isolation. This is evident in our monitoring of live lessons in MS Teams which shows average attendance across all examined subjects exceeds 87%.

The opportunity to complete a second set of formal assessments will give pupils the opportunity to improve their performance in test conditions, in addition to allowing pupils more time to revise areas that require further attention. In lessons, teachers are helping pupils refine their understanding to ensure pupils are fully prepared for the second set of formal assessments which will provide further evidence in determining pupils' final GCSE grades.

The second formal assessment period begins on Monday 10 May and concludes on Friday 21 May. Pupils in Year 11 will once again swap home bases with Year 8 for two weeks - Year 8 will be in the English Block and Year 11 in Monkscroft. Pupils have been emailed a copy of the timetable and there is a copy available via our Exams page. These assessments form a significant part of the evidence being used to determine pupils' final GCSE grades.

Our pupils in Year 11 should be proud of their achievements to date. However, investing time in further active revision in school and at home over the next three weeks will ensure they are well prepared for the final round of assessments and will undoubtedly pay dividends in August when they receive their final results. I wish them every success in their studies.

Ms Henson, Headteacher

Good luck Year 11! The last push over the next few weeks can lead to your hard work paying off.